Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Real Propaganda.. in French elections

From ¡No Pasarán!:

While many people charge any pro-capitalist statement as "propaganda", the Big State lovers from French state TV France2 decided to make a real disinformation campaign: Sarkozy´s speech translation to english was totally distorted by the translator!

See the image above.

Why? Because Sarkozy is a conservative in a american way. A classic liberal politician that is virtually non-exists in France. While his opponent Royal is the same-old again.

In an interview to "Le Monde", Jacques Chirac admitted that is
“Nicolas Sarkozy est “spontanément plus libéral que moi“,
souligne aussi le président, portant sur le libéralisme -
qu’il appliqua lors des privatisations entre 1986 et 1988 - une
cinglante condamnation. “Je suis convaincu que le
libéralisme est voué au même échec que le
communisme et qu’il conduira aux mêmes excès.
L’un comme l’autre sont des perversions de la pensée
“, dit-il.”

(is “spontaneously more liberal than me “, underlines as the president,
bearing on liberalism - as it applied at the time of privatizations
between 1986 and 1988 - one shingling judgment. “I am convinced that
liberalism is dedicated to the same failure as Communism and than it
will lead to same excesses. One like the other are perversions of the
human thought “, says it.”)

Chirac is confusing the two terms. Liberalism classic has nothing to do with communism. Liberalism as nowadays` in America yes, is that thing you must be afraid of.

Is Sarko liberal or conservative+libertarian (or classic liberal)?

The answer is here, a page from a socialist supporter of Royal.

"The last the declaration of Nicolas Sarkozy on genes and paedophilia not surprises me. He is a conservative candidate in his
excellence: to lower the violence of the prélévements obligatoires (social taxes) and suppression of the taxes from heritage and fortune, return on the individual rights to strike
and the defense of a natural law or as of the birth
some would be
condemned to be delinquents and others to succeed.
Nicolas Sarkozy does
not believe in progress, it is clear. It is serious for a serious
candidate for the presidency of the republic. The only candidatures of
progress are those of the left and among them, the choice of Ségolène
Royal is essential."

He is a conservative and a classic liberal, that´s why he is so hated by the left.

It is clear to me that if France does not want to go down (lower) in History the option is Sarko.

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