Here´s a Xmas Message that I am very pleased to share all of you.
It is from my friend Olavo de Carvalho and contain wisdom in its more profound sense. Enjoy it!
Christmas Message 2007
Olavo de Carvalho
"When questioned about the date of the end of the world, Jesus Christ said it was a well guarded secret that God the Father kept to Himself (Mt. 24:36). This answer carries with itself two unescapable logical implications:
First, Christ is the Divine Logos, the Divine Reason, that is, the living eternal system of all the laws that govern the cosmos and every possible reality. If the knowledge concerning the time for the end of the world belongs properly to the Father and not to the Son as such, this means that the arrival of the end will not be determined by any previous law, but by a pure Act of Will, an expression of the Divine Freedom and not properly of the Divine Reason.
Second, if the time for the end is an unsearchable mistery, the culmination or final purpose of the human historical process is also unknowable, for any state of progress or decay that can have been attained at a precise date can be changed by further unforeseen developments the next day or minute. An eternal decision by God the Father Himself makes that human History is an open process, not limited by any predetermined ends, not destined to reach any predefined state of perfection.
For five or six centuries now, however, many men have been trying to persuade mankind that they not only can foresee very clearly that state of perfection, but know the precise social, cultural, political and historical roads that should be travelled in order to attain it.
This is what I call "the revolutionary mind". If the historical results of its coming to the world took the form of mass killings, tyrannical governments and undescribable misery and pain, it was not because the revolutionary mind was betrayed by its own representatives or committed some little mistakes underway to its promised earthly paradise. It was because the revolutionary mind presumes to be wiser than Christ Himself. And whoever presumes to be wiser than Christ refuses also the Holy Spirit. The revolutionary mind is the sin against the Holy Spirit, a sin that will not be forgiven during this life or in the hereafter.
One should never believe that following the destruction of such or such revolutionary regime the revolutionary mind was forever expelled from human history. Under thousands of new disguises, many of which very subtle and hard to recognize, it reappears again and again in our hearts and minds, for it is the specifically modern version of the great temptation.
Today, as we prepare ourselves to contemplate once more the Divine Child in His humble craddle, please remember: He is the source and the limit of our knowledge. He is the measure, the ruler and the scale. He is the Alpha and the Omega. Beyond these limits, there is only the unsearchable mistery of Divine Freedom."
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