Thursday, September 24, 2009

News on Honduras, by a local blogger: Don´t miss it.

Everything you wanto to know but the main stream media does not let it pass.

The Honduras (Zelaya) case has proved that the FORO DE SAO PAULO is a fact. Is the new commintern.They decided to move fast to help Zelaya, even if it unmasked Brazil´s "neutrality" myth.
The Brazilian Embassy replaced URSS embassies in the LA as a tool for fabricated insurrections. Let alone the Brazil is funding all communist regimes in LA, just like in the old URSS days.
This is why is so expensive to live in Brazil. Brazilians are paying for the "revolution".

Here´s the blog I talked about : Honduras Libre en Democracia (translated from spanish) or in spanish.
Thanks to Luisa for sent me this by mail.

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