Monday, June 13, 2005

More on the "New World"

Olavo just wrote another article on the subject of the "Roots of the New World" previsously published. Here it is, translated by Fabio Lins.
Enjoy it.
PS.: It was published on "Majority Rights" by John Ray. Again.
More on the New World

Olavo de Carvalho
O Globo, June 4th. 2005

From reading my previous article, one must not imagine that the strategy for global cultural change is simply a sordid trick invented by a group of conspirators to achieve socialism indirectly and smoothly. It is right the opposite. The very point of socialist worldview has been moved from the economic axis to the cultural;
better saying, to the civilizational axis.

Since the 40s, the recurrent impossibility of creating a working socialism has caused repeated concessions to the market economy and weakened the ambition of a radical elimination of private property amongst activist intelligentsia.

Considering the best brains of the left, the substitution of orthodox socialism for an effort of "saving" the socialist "ideals" from the debrys of state economy dates far before the fall of USSR. The first Frankfurtians already had enormous despise for the soviet experience. They gave their backs to economy and struggled to create a new general civilizational concept. The "New Left" of the 60s hardly talked about economic planning: they only wanted to deal in racial hustle, sexual liberation, anti-americanismo, feminist revolt, etc. Meanwhile, in the UN, crackpot Robert Müller conceived new paramenters of education, inspired by the American seer Alice Bailey who in her turn was guided by infallible extraterrestrial gurus. His parameters have been adopted worldwide today for the better conforming of the new generations to the planetary socialism of his dreams.

The socialization of economy, by becoming the fruit instead of the root of the "new man", is not a priority. That is why that Mr. Luis Inacio da Silva (Brazil's President) can naïvely declare that neither he nor his comrades know what kind of socialism they intend to achieve. The indefinition in social-economic objectives contrasts so much with the coherence with the practical organization of the world Left, with the uniformity
to the "moral" and cultural values that guide it, that the da Silvian's statement can be considered a Freudian slip, revealing the underlying intention – possibly almost unconscious – to postpone to an undefinite future the socialization of economy, prioritizing in chronology the militant organization for the conditioning of the
popular masses in the criteria and values of the "new civilization".
Socialist power affirms itself in psychology and moral, education and law, letting the formula for the salvific economy as the variable of the equation, being shaped little by little as the process of global transfiguration of mentalities advances.

The radicals who get impatient, longing for an old-fashioned brutal interventionism do not understand the subtlety of the new strategy. This does not mean, though, that they are of no help, since they play the part of stirring up the process, knowing or not that the energy they use is previously measured and channeled by international strategies far more intelligent than a billion Ze Rainhas. Claiming for "socialism" cannot eliminate the contradictions of socialist economy, but it helps keeping the masses in the proper mood. When the load of reality gets too heavy on the donkey's back, it is necessary to cheer the pet up showing the carrot of utopia.

Postponing socialist economy has yet the great advantage of gaining the support for its construction of many capitalists. Under the conforting claim that "socialism is over", conceited rich people sponsor the installation of socialist culture, betting that, in the short term, it will not bring them any substantial harm. On the way,
capitalism is not eliminated, but virtually criminalized while at the same time it prospers from the material perspective. In schools, books, on TV, capitalists are exposed to public despise and offense, but because they are tolerated and supported by the same governing leadership that mocks them, they still keep the hope to survive by flattery and adulation. Thus, it is not certain that one day state economy will be achieved, but it is certain that until then, capitalism, or whatever remains of it, will become an ocean of iniquities.

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