Federal Prosecutor Antonio Fernando Souza did not ease things for president Lula da Silva.
Despite all the rumours that all the accusations made on the congressmen special commission could turn into a 'pizza' (we call 'pizza' in Brazil when suspect ions were not investigated and the supposed criminals were not charged).
He formally accused forty members of former Lula da Silva's aides of being part of a 'criminal gang'.
Major weekly magazine VEJA wrote in its 04/16 issue "The question before was: He knew and was "absent without leave" or he is a moron president, wandering in the presidential palace while his intimate friends planned the most profitable ways to assault people's money? After Federal Prosecutor's claims Lula da Silva is in an uncomfortable position of ought to explain how could be set such criminal organized network under his nose."
It's quite a record to be announced on Guiness Book!
Lula da Silva and his party, Worker's Party, were the direct benefiters from the criminals acts.
But it seems that something is missing. All these accusations are not only from a regular Latin America corruption abstract. In LA history , corruption was a side effect of young countries without strong institutions to brake it. Greedy individuals disguised as Motherland saviors took the power just for their own good.
PT (worker's party) corruption has another origin: it is linked to the left takeover in LA ruled by Sao Paulo Forum and its leaders (Fidel Castro & Lula as the brains and Chavez & Farc as the hands).
It's the Gramscian left Revolution: the use of democratic expedients and institutions to kill democracy and to build up a socialist new "people's" regime.
"Veja" Magazine, for example, has published information about illegal Cuban money used in Lula's 2002 presidential campaign.
It was published that former economy minister Palocci was the founder of a pro-Farc committee - even acted as Farc's unofficial agent in Brazil - when he was Ribeirao Preto's Mayor.
Two former Lula's assessors were even killed: Toninho do PT and Celso Daniel got murder under suspect conditions.
It's just a matter of linking the dots.
But why are they so afraid of?
Has Lula da Silva and the Forty Thieves money enough to buy consciousnesses?
JOSÉ DIRCEU DE OLIVEIRA E SILVA – (Former civil minister) active corruption, public money drain and gang formation.
JOSÉ GENOÍNO NETO – (Worker's Party former president) active corruption, public money draining, and gang formation.
DELÚBIO SOARES DE CASTRO – (Worker's Party campaign cashier) active corruption, public money draining, gang formation.
SÍLVIO JOSÉ PEREIRA - active corruption, public money draining and gang formation.
MARCOS VALÉRIO FERNANDES DE SOUZA - gang formation, money laundry, active corruption, public money draining, money evasion and identity faking.
RAMON HOLLERBACH CARDOSO - gang formation, public money draining, active corruption, money laundry.
CRISTIANO DE MELLO PAZ - gang formation, public money draining, active corruption, money laundry.
ROGÉRIO LANZA TOLENTINO - gang formation, public money draining, active corruption, money laundry.
SIMONE REIS LOBO DE VASCONCELOS - gang formation, money laundry and active corruption.
GEIZA DIAS DOS SANTOS - gang formation, money laundry.
KÁTIA RABELLO - gang formation, money laundry, money evasion.
JOSÉ ROBERTO SALGADO - money laundry, money evasion.
VINÍCIUS SAMARANE - gang formation, money laundry, money evasion.
AYANNA TENÓRIO TÔRRES DE JESUS - gang formation, money laundry, money evasion.
JOÃO PAULO CUNHA - passive corruption, public money draining and money laundry.
LUIZ GUSHIKEN - public money draining.
HENRIQUE PIZZOLATO - public money draining, passive corruption and money laundry.
PEDRO CORRÊA - gang formation, passive corruption and money laundry.
JOSÉ MOHAMED JANENE - gang formation, passive corruption and money laundry.
PEDRO HENRY NETO - gang formation, passive corruption and money laundry.
JOÃO CLÁUDIO DE CARVALHO GENU - gang formation, passive corruption and money laundry.
ENIVALDO QUADRADO - gang formation and money laundry.
BRENO FISCHBERG - gang formation and money laundry.
CARLOS ALBERTO QUAGLIA - gang formation and money laundry.
VALDEMAR COSTA NETO - gang formation, passive corruption and money laundry.
JACINTO DE SOUZA LAMAS - gang formation, passive corruption and money laundry.
ANTÔNIO DE PÁDUA DE SOUZA LAMAS - gang formation and money laundry.
BISPO RODRIGUES - passive corruption and money laundry.
ROBERTO JEFFERSON - passive corruption and money laundry.
EMERSON PALMIERI - passive corruption and money laundry.
ROMEU QUEIROZ - passive corruption and money laundry.
JOSÉ BORBA - passive corruption.
PAULO ROCHA - money laundry.
PROFESSOR LUIZINHO - money laundry.
JOÃO MAGNO DE MOURA - money laundry.
ANDERSON ADAUTO PEREIRA - money laundry and active corruption.
JOSÉ LUIZ ALVES - money laundry.
DUDA MENDONÇA - money laundry and money evasion.
ZILMAR FERNANDES SILVEIRA - money laundry and money evasion.
PS.: You can add Palocci to this list. His crime? Bank accounting secrecy breaking
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