Tuesday, December 26, 2006

New life (?)

Here I am, right now becoming an European worker. It looks so different from where I came from. Brazil is indeed very different from here. But with all differences , Portugal is still a brother country to Brazil, having some similiarities too. Ok, Porto is a beautiful city, as you can see beside.
It´s clean, organized and crimeless - at least to a Brazilian like me.
But Portugal have something in common:
- Portugal is the country that has the smallest development rate in EU; If Portugal is getting behind all other EU countries, Brazil is getting behind all develloping countries too.
- Portugal suffers from State in excess (the worst citizens per public employees rate among all countries of EU), just like Brazil where all young people wish to be a federal employee.
- The parties that really change roles with situation and opposition are socialists and social-democrats, just like Brazil.
- There´s a referendum asking if the public wants the government to fund and support all abortion clinics and make abortion free for all women, despite the strong catholic creed of the popullation (newspapers cleary induce the public to the `yes´ choice, as it was a question that only matters to oneself). In Brazil Lula`s is trying to impose a new law disguised as `procriation freedom to the women` (yes! it reminds that old eugenic campaigns..) to make abortion free.

But despite all similiarities, what I think is that Portugal is approaching to the abyss but there´s a lot of people seeing it and denouncing it. In Brazil it seems that the blindness is in such degree that there`s no hope at all.

For me, I hope it will be really a new life. Cheers and a happy new year!

New life (?) New life (?) New life (?) New life (?) New life (?) New life (?)

Tags: social-democracy | socialism | porto | Portugal | Life | Brazil

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Remembering Allende and Pinochet

A year ago I decided to create a second english blog called "Simply the Truth" with excerpt of new evidence brought by books (through Google print and others) or websites that were in the archive of the internet.
Just to document it.
I am linking some documents I put there, due to the Pinochet's death.
I am pro life and condemn violence of any kind but I've read some opinions that makes me republished it again.
Pinochet was a dictator? Yes, just like Fidel, Mao and other leftist beloved myths.
The truth is that Pinochet was not a "dictator that destroyed democracy in Chile", he was the opposite!
According to historic sources, Allende who was destroying the Chilean Democracy! And the chambers of deputies in Chile asked the Army to throw Allende off.
It was, in reality, a dictactorship created by the democracy!

All leftist revolutions - since French revolution - decay in mass murder, terrorism and no democracy. If one tries to stop this, it will not be a "peaceful" task, cause the other side always pursued their goals through death and terror.
Revolution is a Pandora's Box. But don't blame it all to Pinochet.
Read this excerpts from Simply the Truth - by José Piñera
It is true that Salvador Allende was elected President of Chile in 1970 by means of a democratic election (although with only 36.6% of the vote). Nevertheless, it is equally true that his government lost its democratic character by repeatedly violating the Constitution. The Economist said it clearly at the time: " The temporary death of democracy in Chile will be regrettable, but the blame lies clearly with Dr. Allende and those of his followers who persistently overrode the Constitution" (September 15, 1973). In effect, President Allende became a tyrant when he broke his solemn oath to respect the Constitution and the Chilean laws. There are numerous evidences to that effect (including a clear statement of the Supreme Court), but the most important one--and widely unknown outside of Chile--is the momentous Agreement of 23 August 1973 of the Chamber of Deputies (the Lower House of the Chilean Congress), which I have translated and posted as "The Declaration of Breakdown of Chilean Democracy".

Here, the full transcript of the "The Declaration of Breakdown of Chilean Democracy"

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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Leaving Brazil

On next Saturday I will be going to Portugal.
It´s a preliminary trip, but in a short time I will live there.
I will be missing many persons here, my family, my little daughter, but Brazil is a dead-end road for anybody that wants to live under a minimum standard of decent living.
Brazil is a country that used to have just three days of Carnival a year, but by now the Carnival is 365 days long every year.
The whole country decided to live in the fantasy, while crimes, corruption and the body count is raising day by day.
The fact is that I´ve just received a business proposal and accepted.
I want a better future for my daughter. A see it as a great opportunity.
I know many people consider Europe dead - morally, politically and culturally, but even dead is better than the non-stop orgy-carnival-bloodshed that is Brazil.

Don´t worry, I will try to update this blog when possible.

See you.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Olavo de Carvalho, a new Rush Limbaugh??

No Image Available
Olavo just started his virtual radio, called "True Outspeak"
where he makes some reading of the actual lanscape of Brazil and United States too.
The hearers can interact using a phone number indicated on the site.
English speakers are allowed too.
The first broadcast was december, 4th and the next will be on december, 1th.
Stay tuned!

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The Truth about 3D? (December the 3th) in Venezuela

It seems that Rosales stopped the real "Bolivarian" revolution.
Chávez knew that he was going to lose the elections and prepared a bloodbath - with  his armed militants - to kill (in fact) the opposition and to start a totalitarian "bolivarian" regime.
Rosales dismantled the bomb and weakened Chávez' position, once the violent groups that support him ( and waited for Chávez debacle in the elections as a password to start a communist regime with the killing of the opposition) will not support this kind of constitutional regime. Chávez promised the "Revolution" and now he has to get even with them.

At least is what is read in this post on "Noticero Digital".

Rosales, a hero?

"Pienso contar la verdad, no soy dios, no lo sé todo.
No nací para ser eterno, ni para cambiar el rumbo de un país. El 3D de Diciembre del 2006, es y será uno de los dias más gloriosos de la historía de nuestro país.

Hugo Chavez estuvo reunido con el CUFAN, y el ALTO MANDO militar en Fte. Tiuna durante toda la tarde y noche del dia 3 de Diciembre.

Manuel Rosales fue llamado a dicha reunión.

En esa reunión se habló (no se negocio) lo que iba a pasar en los próximos dias del país. El General Raúl Isaias Baduel, creía en que las FAN tenian el deber de apoyar los resultados fuesen como fuesen. Wilfredo Silva, Gnral del CUFAN, escuchaba e iba a escuchar solo ordenes de su Comandante en Jefe, Hugo Chavez Frias.
El CUFAN tiene una importancia operativa, incluso mayor que el Ministerio de la Defensa.

Los resultados hablados en dicha reunión los desconosco, y no voy a mentir. Lo que si sé es que el Gnral. Baduel tomó una postura de apoyo con Rosales. Hubo mucha tensión.

Los grupos armados de Chavez, aparecidos ( En diarios internacionales previo a las elecciones) estaban listos para actuar. El gobierno NO iba a reconocer un triunfo de Rosales. Eso se lo dejó dicho bien claro Chavez a Rosales. Acabada la reunión, se acordó entre los militares y Chavez que habría toque de queda a las 10pm. Ya que esta sería la excusa para reprimir cualquiera manifestación opositora, tanto con el ejercito el cual en dia de elecciones es muy debil, debido a que pro el Plan Republica sus efectivos estan desplegados, y por las milicias de Chavez. Que ya circulaban la ciudad, acompañados por 2000 efectivos con ordenes directas del CUFAN fuertemente armados.

La sorpresa se la llevó Chavez, cuando despues de que el CNE lo proclama ganador, y el da su discurso (CORTO) y violento. Debido a que la situación de tensión no permitia que se prolongará mucho.

Manuel Rosales sale en discurso nacional hablando reconociendo la derrota. Desarticulando así la matanza y la instauración de una dictadura totalitaria. Si quieren corroborar esto lean articulos previos de personas como Mario Silva, quienes todos pronosticaban el 3D con sangre, pero con la victoria de la verdadera revolución.

El hecho es que Rosales le jugó a Chavez en su propio terreno. Desarticuló un plan en el cual para Chavez la pieza fundamental era el llamado a caos de Rosales. La anarquía total, de personas, opositoras tambien armadas en muchisima menor medidas, pero irracionales debido a los resultados, se enfrentarian con su gente infinamente mejor armadas y con apoyo del CUFAN del Gnral. Silva.

Amparados en un toque de queda, y con una legitimación gracias a los resultados del CNE. No se preguntaron, porque un primer boletín tan temprano, y del 85%?....El CNE tenía que legitimizar a Chavez contundentemente antes de comenzar el plan macabro. Porque la compra de 1500 motos, entregadas días antes a motorizados en los Barrios Petare, El Valle, 23 de Enero. Porque el ejercito todavía no cuenta con los 100,000 AK 103 que compro Venezuela???

Señores, ManueL Rosales secretamente y muy bien asesorado, le jugó a Chavez uno de los revez más grandes de la historia política Venezolana. Chavez quedó mal parado ante los militares ( incluído Baduel) y ante su propia gente, a quienes les juro que el 3 de Diciembre en la noche tendria que defender la gloriosa revolución.

Hoy 6 de Diciembre el Chavismo esta más debil que nunca, por dos motivos.

1. Reconocen la gallardía y hombría de Rosales.

2. En su base más radical se sienten engañados.

2b. Hay problemas internos muy muy graves con respecto al partido único. Los dirigentes de PPT (625,000 votos) se pronunciaron hoy rotundamente encontra de esto. Muy molestos con lo que se quiere hacer.

2c. Iris Varela pidió la cabeza de los empleados públicos traidores.

En definitiva, si se gano o no, el 3D no es lo importante en este momento. Porque aun si se hubiese ganado por un pequeño margen estariamos todavía hoy sumidos en un conflicto armado de una escala inimaginale. Rosales causó el mayor de los daños, Rosales los hirió en la base mas sagrada de un comunista, los hirió en su convicción de poseer la verdad.

Vienen dias muy pero muy buenos.

El 3D es el evento que nos hace posible una transición pacífica.

Buenas Noches, y más bien esten contentos. Que los que deberian estar preocupados son ellos.

Hay ciertas partes de la historía que desconosco."

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Thursday, December 07, 2006

Rosales: 6 millions of voters??

This video caught the exact moment - just after Rosales conceded the victory to Chavez - that Pablo Medina, a founder of one of Venezuela's principal opposition parties, La Causa, took the microphone to announce the REAL numbers of Venezuelan elections "Rosales: seis milliones...." so the transmition is cutted to the studio ...
Rosales, the real winner of december 4th, elections??

Thanks to Chavilarism, again...

Peña Esclusa thinks Venezuelan elections resembled the Brazilian elections=A Deal was made!

Only hours after my last - and a little bitter - post, the site Chavilarism
brought this interview with Peña Esclusa that confirms the obvious for me: Rosales won the elections! But made a deal to protect himself from Chávez...
Exactly what happened in Brazil, where the "opposition" guy just denied to reveal the true nature and liasons of the government of Lula da Silva.
It was not the social programs. It was not money. It was fraud.
Simple and plain.
Read on!

Noticias24 :: Actualidad » ¿Y Peña Esclusa que piensa de todo esto?

¿Y Peña Esclusa que piensa de todo esto?

En General  |
December 6, 2006 a las9:29 pm | 2,149 views

Alejandro Peña Esclusa,
conocido activista político venezolano y autor de varios libros,
entre ellos el famoso “350″, no comparte la visión
electoral ofrecida por los factores en juego (CNE, Chávez,
Rosales). En un artículo titulado “Motivos del Pacto” dice que el ganador de las elecciones fue Rosales y, a partir de ahí, hubo un pacto.

Es evidente que Rosales ganó por avalancha.
Eso no tiene discusión. Basta comparar las concentraciones
opositoras –masivas y espontáneas– con las del
oficialismo –pagadas y llenas de autobuses.

La pregunta es ¿Por qué Rosales aceptó la derrota, sabiéndose ganador?

Por un lado, el oficialismo amenazó a Rosales
con masacrar al pueblo y destruir las instalaciones petroleras si no
acataba sumisamente la derrota; pero por el otro, proclamar el fraude
hubiese provocado –luego de una severa crisis
política– una intervención de las Fuerzas Armadas,
como bien lo anticipó el periodista Rafael Poleo.

La oposición venezolana está conformada casi toda por izquierdistas “moderados”
–como Teodoro Petkoff– que, aunque disienten del estilo
radical del Régimen, se oponen aún más a una
intervención militar de “derecha”. Por eso,
prefieren mantener a un Chávez ilegítimo en el poder
–con quien pueden negociar y compartir el poder, bajo ciertos
criterios socialistas– antes que darle paso a un gobierno

El filósofo brasileño Olavo de Carvalho, denunció que lo mismo ocurre en su país.
El candidato opositor a Lula, Geraldo Alckmin, deliberadamente
ocultó los vínculos que mantiene el Partido de los
Trabadores (PT) con la industria del secuestro y el narcotráfico
a través del Foro de Sao Paulo, porque el Partido Social
Demócrata Brasileño (PSDB) comparte con el PT su odio por
las Fuerzas Armadas. Alckimin no quiso golpear duro a Lula para no
revelar secretos que habrían agitado el ambiente militar.
Prefirió una derrota negociada antes que abrirle la puerta a un
gobierno de derecha.

Ese mismo diagnóstico se aplica a toda Iberoamérica. La
mayoría de los partidos políticos nacieron con el fin de
combatir las dictaduras militares de los años sesenta. Por sus
prejuicios y por su formación marxista, lo que más temen
estos partidos es a una intervención militar.

Pero en ciertos casos, sólo una actuación militar es capaz de derrocar un tirano y restablecer la democracia.
En el año 1958, las Fuerzas Armadas venezolanas intervinieron,
no para dar un golpe, sino para deponer a un dictador que no
permitía una salida electoral. Esa actuación dio origen a
una democracia que, con todos sus defectos, fue una de las más
duraderas del continente.

Sin embargo, los socialistas “moderados” no piensan igual.
Con tal de cerrarle el paso al “fantasma de la derecha”,
prefirieron dejar a Chávez seis años más en el
poder, para que exporte a toda América la Revolución
cubana, acabe con la propiedad privada, termine de destruir las
instituciones nacionales, particularmente a las Fuerzas Armadas, y
adoctrine a nuestros hijos con ideologías comunistas.

Prefirieron echar al olvido los muertos, los presos
políticos, los exilados, los 20 mil empleados injustamente
despedidos de PDVSA, y las esperanzas de millones de venezolanos que confiaron en las promesas vacías de Rosales.

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Venezuela stood still ... Before suicide

I don´t believe what happened.
Venezuela was the last glimpse of democracy in LA, in my opinion, because has a real opposition.
I believe all the polls were a fraud. I believe Rosales could win.Chavez only by cheating, as he did in the past.
I believe that such thing happened - Chavez victory - the opposition united would started to show what happened to all the world.
Rosales "conceded" earlier than Kerry in 2004 against Bush.
I want to know: if there was fraud it could not be such thing as "concede". Look what is going on in Mexico: To the left - even when they lost a real democratic elections- they pretend that it was robbed.
If there was fraud in Venezuela, opposition never could conceded. Where there is fraud there´s no democracy at all thus not reasons to do such thing.

If the elections were democratic in Venezuela so all the analysis from the opposition and dozens of sites were failed. Only for this motiv, could be a reason to think that opposition lost another round in the democracy game.

But it means that there´s no such thing as the Foro de Sao Paulo, that all countries in LA are stepping the gas towards a troglodite lefty model all by theirselves with no help from nobody.
FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia) acclaimed the Lula victory as just Britney Spears fans - that love to watch her videos- do : only as interested spectators of the show.
Lula helped Chavez just a friend, nothing to do with the Foro...

To believe this is to believe in Fairy Tales that tells that no matter how worst the things may become, everything is going to be all right, in the end. If it is not ok it is just because we are not in the "end" yet.

It sounds totally Darwinist: there´ll be an evolution, and when it occurs all will solved...

I don´t believe in evolution, in fact I believe in devolution: Nothing is worse that cannot be worser.

Rosales could not consider Chavez a fair competitor. It sound as a joke. There´s no democracy to hope in the future..

Latin America right now remembers me an old song that I used to hear when was in my twenties, that said: "No Future.. No Future for you..!" (Sex Pistols - "Anarchy for the UK").

Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Day Venezuela Stood Still

Today is the day!
I've read some newspapers in Brazil that says Chavez is going to win. As just as plain fact.
But I know that if there's such "democratic elections" thing in Venezuala, Rosales will be the next president.

Let's wait and hope that true democracy could emerge from Venezuela this time.

I love Venezuela and the Venezuelans too, and pray that their voices could be heard through the curtain of silence made by Chavez.
