It´s clean, organized and crimeless - at least to a Brazilian like me.
But Portugal have something in common:
- Portugal is the country that has the smallest development rate in EU; If Portugal is getting behind all other EU countries, Brazil is getting behind all develloping countries too.
- Portugal suffers from State in excess (the worst citizens per public employees rate among all countries of EU), just like Brazil where all young people wish to be a federal employee.
- The parties that really change roles with situation and opposition are socialists and social-democrats, just like Brazil.
- There´s a referendum asking if the public wants the government to fund and support all abortion clinics and make abortion free for all women, despite the strong catholic creed of the popullation (newspapers cleary induce the public to the `yes´ choice, as it was a question that only matters to oneself). In Brazil Lula`s is trying to impose a new law disguised as `procriation freedom to the women` (yes! it reminds that old eugenic campaigns..) to make abortion free.
But despite all similiarities, what I think is that Portugal is approaching to the abyss but there´s a lot of people seeing it and denouncing it. In Brazil it seems that the blindness is in such degree that there`s no hope at all.
For me, I hope it will be really a new life. Cheers and a happy new year!
Tags: social-democracy | socialism | porto | Portugal | Life | Brazil