Tea Party movement is being ridiculed by the MSM media exactly as many conservatives say that "birthers" are "nuts".
None of the above are correct.
Joseph Farah as one of the "prophets" of the Tea Party Movement is totally correct asking where is the birth certificate.
Nowadays I read WND daily and for me is the best independent news site on internet.
Hear his speech at the Tea Party Convention: "Some say I am obssessed with the birth certificate. In fact I am obssessed with the Constitution". That´s it!
But Farah´s message is far from only "birther´s cry". He explains the plain truth behind of facts. He even cited Antonio Gramsci influence in today´s - my quote - "Marketing of Evil".
Farah joins the small group of people who knows what they are talking, like Brazilian Philosopher Olavo de Carvalho.
Forget "conservative" pundits like Bills or Glenns. Farah is the king.
PJTV - Tea Party Convention 2010 - Joseph Farah & The Birthers' Battle Cry: Mr. President Show Us Your Birth Certificate!
None of the above are correct.
Joseph Farah as one of the "prophets" of the Tea Party Movement is totally correct asking where is the birth certificate.
Nowadays I read WND daily and for me is the best independent news site on internet.
Hear his speech at the Tea Party Convention: "Some say I am obssessed with the birth certificate. In fact I am obssessed with the Constitution". That´s it!
But Farah´s message is far from only "birther´s cry". He explains the plain truth behind of facts. He even cited Antonio Gramsci influence in today´s - my quote - "Marketing of Evil".
Farah joins the small group of people who knows what they are talking, like Brazilian Philosopher Olavo de Carvalho.
Forget "conservative" pundits like Bills or Glenns. Farah is the king.
PJTV - Tea Party Convention 2010 - Joseph Farah & The Birthers' Battle Cry: Mr. President Show Us Your Birth Certificate!
Joseph Farah & The Birthers' Battle Cry: Mr. President Show Us Your Birth Certificate!|38min
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We won the election and now these sore losers will continue to spew your hate with lies. The way our courts work is that you get a competent lawyer, verifiable facts and present them to a judge, if the facts are real and not half baked lies, then, and only then, you proceed to trial. The Birthers seem to be having a problem with their so called facts that they present. Let’s face it no one will go along with you until you guys win a case, but until then, you will continue to appear dumb, crazy or racist, or maybe all three. Keep plucking that chicken.
For eight years of GWB, another eight years during Ronald Reagan, or whenever a republican was President of United States, democrats were the worst losers. They never stop from shouting lies.
Now, with a totally different matter - and there´s nothing to do with racism, because even a black guy as Mr. Allan Keys (former Republican candidate runner) agree with this - they act as they had do in the past.
No, Obama has still to prove his elegibility. Yes.
And many democrats start putting some doubts on this "dead" matter.
Farah is right.
To all the Birthers, prove it, Oh thats right you can’t, just more of your unsubstantiated rumors you keep writing on your hands to help you keep up. You are just another Palin, just like “W”, just like Quayle, just like Reagan. I love you guys. Keep plucking that chicken.
To the Birthers, prove it, Oh that’s right you can’t, just more of your unsubstantiated rumors you keep writing on your hands to help you keep up. You are just another Palin, just like “W”, just like Quayle, just like Reagan. I love you guys. Keep plucking that chicken.
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