Thursday, April 19, 2007

Virginia Tech Massacre: Symptons of "Nietzsche Syndrome" - The existencial Murderer?

While all people are discussing allowed guns, ban guns and other things related to guns as if they have the power to induce people to kill each other related to Virgina Tech Massacre (I forgot to mention the third world analysis that blame on US capitalism for the crimes, but that´s a stupidity - they pretend that if communism had killed more than 100M people, capitalism must be the force behind US killers), they forget to scrutinize the very perpetrador and his behavior.

I´ve read in the past the story of two boys influenced by the reading of Nietzsce (and a mental pathology, of course) that commited several murders without guilt.

So I dig around the net and find this article/book that define what they call "Nietzsche Syndrome" pattern in some murderers. This is seem to be the case in the Virgini Tech Massacre.

Read on.

To escape the cognitive mode of experience, to transcend the accident of one's moment of being.... One mustn't underestimate the primal appeal — to lose oneself, lose it utterly. And in losing it be born to the principle of continuous life, outside the prison of mortality and time."

To achieve this, they used alcohol, drugs, and even poison. The point was "to receive the god" via purification of the self. They tried and tried, and eventually managed to achieve an ecstatic, hallucinogenic state they had apparently lost their egos. They began to run through the woods and fields, oblivious to anything. Somehow, they killed a man along the way. When they came to their senses beside the body, which was ripped apart, they realized they had done it but had no memory of how. In other words, in their reach to defy human limits and unify with a deity, they became violent. Like God, they had taken a person's life.

In many ways, that is similar to the way some killers justify their actions with Nietzsche's call to "live dangerously" and develop a will to power. To be God is to be mighty, and that's often interpreted as the ability to kill another person — as if that's the ultimate exercise of power.

Memory Book

Tags: murder | death | Virginia Tech Massacre | Nietzsche | Crime

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