Monday, July 23, 2007

Brazilians Shout "Osama" Against Americans Players

Pan American Games 2007 is marked by the intolerant anti-americanism from Brazilians. During a water polo game, brazilians started to shout "Osama, Osama" against the American team. Even Brazilian media called it as an "abuse".

It is all because George Bush? The same spectators during the opening the Games acclaimed the Cuban delegation. It was because of Fidel? Obviously yes.

Torcida perde a linha e grita 'Osama'

Provocação aos americanos dá o tom na partida do pólo aquático masculino

Tags: e | grita | linha | Osama | perde | torcida

Friday, July 20, 2007

Plane Crash: Lula Advisor "Celebrates" Mechanical Failure Clue : Assessor de Lula "Comemora" Indícios de Falha Mecânica

My friend, blogger Luis Guilherme, brought this piece of video, taken from Globo Networks in Brazil, that shows the reaction of two Lula´s advisers after hearing news on the clues of mechanichal failure on São Paulo plane crash. See it! It´s in portuguese but you do not need to understand the gestures they made. You can go directly to around at 2:00 (to the the end) or 00:29 (from the beggining) of the video to see this.

I made an extraction of the exact moment that the two men "celebrates" the mechanical failure theory. It seems to the government all must be seen in a "pro" and "against it" shades. They celebrate that with this information, Lula´s government could escape from popular scrutiny.

The man in the left is Marco Aurelio Garcia. The "Gray Eminence" of Lula´s government. The man that created an organization called "Foro de São Paulo" (a joint of leftist entities in Latin America, from parties to terrorists like FARC and FMLN - the group behind the leftist take over in Latin America - the force behind Chávez, Lula, Evo Morales, Rafael Correa, Kirchner and Fidel Castro) and is the official interlocutor between PT (workers party) and all these entitites.

Imaginary subtitles: "The opposition are fucked!"

Luis Guilherme describes the episode: "Never in Brazil´s history the victmins (of an accident) were treated with such lack of respect"


Meu amigo bloguista Luís Guilherme postou um trecho de reportagem da Globo que me mostra as reações de Marco Aurélio Garcia e outro assessor à notícia de que há indícios de falha mecânica no acidente da TAM em São Paulo. Eles "comemoram" e dão uma "banana" para a oposição pelo fato de que este indício pode livrar a cara do governo.

Parece que tudo no governo Lula remete ao joguinho "pró" e "contra". Tudo é feito com o intuito de convencer à opinião pública de que o governo não tem culpa de nada. Vejam com seus próprios olhos. Fiz uma extração dos trechos do vídeo que mostram as reações (acima). No vídeo abaixo, podem ser vistas por volta dos 2:00 (para o final) ou 00:29 (do início). O vídeo mostra também o próprio Marco Aurélio comentando a sua reação e o senador gaúcho Pedro Simon , indigninando-se com o conteúdo da reportagem.

Como diz o Luis Guilherme,

Nunca antes neste país, vítimas de um acidente foram tão desrespeitadas.

Tags: celebration | crash | Lula | tam

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Blog do Julio Severo Voltou ao Ar!!!

O totalitarismo do movimento gay não foi vencedor desta vez. O Google considerou o conteúdo do site de Julio Severo adequado.
Fiquemos alertas pois mais e mais conservadores serão acusados de "hate speech". Julio Severo só foi o primeiro...
Mas pelo menos desta vez a verdade sobrepujou a versão...

<br><br/><a href="" >Julio Severo</a> <br/> <blockquote>Depois de muitas manifestações de solidariedade ao meu blog feitas diretamente ao Google e seus advogados desde sua interdição em 16 de julho, finalmente o Google o liberou hoje a tarde, depois de analisá-lo e constatar que os artigos e textos se enquadram perfeitamente numa sociedade democrática onde até mesmo os cristãos têm o direito de expressar suas opiniões com base em suas convicções bíblicas.</blockquote

Tags: Google | Hate Speech | julio severo | movimento gay

Chávez Continua a Sua Perseguição à RCTV, Agora na TV a Cabo :: Chávez Hunts RCTV Even on Cable

Um dia após a RCTV retomar suas atividades como TV à cabo, Hugo Chávez resolve invadir o ambiente da TV fechada na Venezuela. Coincidência? Não...
Leiam a notícia abaixo


A day after RCTV started over its broadcasting as a Cable TV, Hugo Chávez decided to invade Cable TV environment to extend the bolivarian "rules" to it. Mere coincidence? Obviously not.
RCTV is a hard critic of Chávez administration and continue to be even in the small environment of Cable. That´s the reason. Cable TV spectators use to be more upwarded class than the avarage spectators from old open RCTV.

Gobierno regulará televisión por cable en Venezuela

18 de Julio de 2007, 12:54pm ET

CARACAS (AP) - El gobierno realizará por decreto una reforma a legislación de radio y televisión para que los canales de cable que funcionan en el país transmitan los discursos del presidente Hugo Chávez y el himno nacional.

El ministro de Comunicación, Willian Lara, dijo el martes a la estatal Radio Nacional de Venezuela (RNV) que el gobierno hará las reformas "para que quienes operen televisión por cable y televisión de señal abierta se vean obligados a respetar la ley venezolana".

La decisión se produjo a menos de 48 horas del reinicio de transmisiones del canal privado Radio Caracas Televisión (RCTV), que debió recurrir a la televisión por cable luego que Chávez se negó en mayo pasado a renovarle la concesión para operar por señal abierta.

Lara explicó que la reforma, que sancionará el Consejo de Ministros por la vía de la ley habilitante, obligará a los canales que operan por cable en Venezuela a "transmitir el himno nacional y conectarse a las cadenas de radio y televisión" de los poderes públicos, según reseña de RNV.

La Asamblea Nacional le otorgó a inicios de año al presidente Chávez una amplia ley habilitante para legislar por la vía de decretos-ley durante año y medio.

El profesor de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Marcelino Bisbal, manifestó asombro por el anuncio de Lara, y declaró el miércoles a la emisora Unión Radio que la medida demuestra que la decisión que tomó Chávez en mayo contra RCTV tiene una motivación "política".

RCTV salió del aire el pasado 27 de mayo luego que el gobierno se negó a renovarle la licencia alegando que apoyó el fallido golpe del 2002.

El canal venezolano, que es fuerte crítico a la administración de Chávez, retomó sus transmisiones por televisión por cable el 16 de julio.

Luís Afonso A. Assumpção

Acidente da TAM: Pilotos Reclamavam de Pista Escorregadia :: Accident

O blogger, Paulo

Roberto Lopes publicou esta notícia em seu blog dando conta

das reclamações dos pilotos e controladores ANTES do

acidente. Foi reportado que um avião da companhia aérea

Pantanal chegou a sair da pista pelos mesmos motivos, horas antes do

acidente. A versão oficial, de que a "pista não

apresentava qualquer problema" obviamente é um desvio de

foco de atenção, uma vez que pilotos já

reclamavam disto.

Se a falha na aderência

foi causada pela falta dos "groovings" ou não é

questão de detalhe. O fato é que a pista tinha

problemas de aderência.


<i>Blogger Paulo

Roberto Lopes has published this news in his blog, showing a TV

report on pilots´ complains over the slippery runway at

Congonhas Airport prior to the accident. It was reported that another

jet (from a company called "Pantanal") had slipped out of

runway to the airport lawn some hours before the accident. The

official version that the "runway had not any adherence

problems", is obviously a smoke curtain to impede to focus on

the main question: If the adherece problem was due to the lack of

"groovings" on the runway or not is a minor problem. The

fact is that the runway has adherence problems</i>.

Reportagem do Jornal da Globo de ontem informa que, 24 horas antes da tragédia do vôo 3054 da TAM, pilotos e controladores de vôo trocavam informações sobre o perigo da pista de Congonhas que ficava escorregadia com chuva. Já um superintendente da Infraero garantiu que o fato de a pista não ter ranhuras não representava nenhum risco.


<i>Weblog: Pilots

were complaining on the slippery runway at Congonhas

TV Globo report aired

on 07-17 informed that 24 hours prior to the flight TAM 3054

tragedy, pilots and flight controllers exchanged information on the

danger of the Congonhas Airtport runway, that turned out to be

slippery with rain. But a manager from government agency Infraero

assured that the fact of the missing groovings on the runway "did

not represent any risk"</i>

Tags: Congonhas | da | de | escorregadia | pilotos | pista | reclamando | vinham

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

More Lula´s Victmins

In October, 2006 154 persons died because of the "filght controllers" crisis that still annoys passengers all over the country with severe delays. The government response to it was "Relax and Enjoy" ("Marta Suplicy, the tourism minister, seemed to sum up the official stance when, to much outrage, she suggested that travellers should “relax and enjoy” the long delays")

Nine months later, after huge delays, controversy, and many declarations from the government saying that the "crisis" was being managed, another tragedy.
TAM´s jet airliner (airbus-32) filght from Porto Alegre (the city that my family lives in Brazil) and Sao Paulo attempted to land amid a driving rain. No effect. The plane has gone outside the landing lane, crossed a jammed avenue and crash into a gas station.
The cause? Airport landing lane was under reformation and was supposed to be opened to flights only in September. Government pressure anticipated the liberation to 06-29. But not all the arrangements were already ready. The "groovings" (little canals to drain the water out of the lane) were scheduled to be ready only in september.

While the people are dying , government sits, "relax and enjoys" it all....
Here from FoxNews.

Tags: accident flight | Lula

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Chavez Cable TV :: TV à Cabo de Chávez

"Quero assegurar que os venezuelanos desfrutem de uma programação de TV com uma rica variedade"

Monday, July 09, 2007

US Apologizes to Brazil... or Congo?

Anti-americanism in Brazil makes some jokes turn out to be dangerous "threats" to the country. The self-esteem of Brazilians are really down and blurred: when it´s time to get angry (corruption on the government, the sell out of Brazil to Lula´s friends at Foro de São Paulo) they got indifferent and hopeless, but against a joke, they got mad and demand "apology".
It´s a typical expression of a twisted mind. What is important does not matter, the appearances are everything.

"Welcome to the Congo!" sign forces U.S. to apologize to Brazil - MSNBC Wire Services -
"Welcome to the Congo!" sign forces U.S. to apologize to Brazil

"In a joke that made Brazilians cringe and forced the United States Olympic Committee to apologize, "Welcome to the Congo!'' was marked on a whiteboard at the USOC's office at the Pan American Games.
The picture showed USOC media employee Kevin Neuendorf in front of the whiteboard with the phrase, and the story quoted him as saying it was written because `it's really hot in Rio`.''

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Monday, July 02, 2007

Captain America is Dead :: Capitão América está Morto

I think it translates the actual status of the ideals of freedom, minimum state and democracy to all the world. Captain America is dead as America is dying trampled by the anti-americanism, totalitarianism and even the old-comunism from China to Russia disguised in Western costumes that conquered the world.A hero can´t be a hero if the victims do not perceive this. Like the old Prince song, It´s the "Sign O´Times"..

But, let show exactly the opposite in the same post: All these new "graphic novel designers" (how I missed Stan Lee) are deeply engaged in deconstructing all american legends. Captain America is one - if not the biggest of them all - of the symbols of the great nation of the United States of America. I am a Latin American, Brazilian but I am very "north-american" by the values I keep, so the dead of Captain America is the death of one of my childhood symbols too.

They are deconstructing all that resembles values, nation and courage. Exchanging it all by foolish things like Politically Correctness, Nanny-State and I-Phones..


O destino do Capitão América parece o destino que muitos desejam para os Estados Unidos. Parece que sim, o destino do personagem se mistura ao status atual do sentimento de apoio aos Estados Unidos no mundo. O grande vilão, enquanto os velhor totalitários e comunistas se disfarçam de amiguinhos.

É um período trágico, ao ver ideais como liberdade, estado mínimo e democracia sendo carcomidos em duas frentes, a externa e a interna.

Sim, por que mesmo uma "graphic novel" como essa vem de uma geração de desenhistas que sempre acabam achando um jeito de desconstruir todos os mitos americanos. Com o Capitão América não seria diferente...

Desconstroem os velho mitos, que incluem patriotismo e coragem, por coisas estúpidas como o "Politicamente Correto", Welfare State e I-Phones...

NEW YORK — It's a funeral fit for a superhero.

In the drizzling rain at Arlington National Cemetery, thousands of grieving patriots solemnly watch as the pallbearers — Iron Man, the Black Panther, Ben Grimm and Ms. Marvel — carry a casket draped with an American flag.

Yes, folks, Captain America is dead and buried in the latest issue of Marvel Comics' "Fallen Son," due on newsstands the morning after Independence Day. After 66 years of battling villains from Adolf Hitler to the Red Skull, the red, white and blue leader of the Avengers was felled by an assassin's bullet on the steps of a New York federal courthouse.

Tags: Captain America

Europe and the Totalitarism of Political Correctness

UK has banned the smoke in public places.. But not the bombs!!

I prefer the Europe in its peak: full of people smoking in the pubs celebrating liberty and and the defeat of totalitarian fascism after WWII.
Not this nanny state that prohibits all for all people, but does not provide them peace or justice.

I believe, on the contrary of Mr. Johnson, that the "health of thousands of people" will be improved when terrorists drop no more bombs all over the country. And the public men show a little more testicles than these efeminate political correct garbage.

Stricly on the subject there are hundredths of older (and oldest) that are all smokers.. See here.

Buckingham Today - Latest National News - England becomes a smokefree zone

Newly-appointed Health Secretary Alan Johnson hailed the ban as a big step towards a healthier population.

Mr Johnson said: "A smokefree country will improve the health of thousands of people, reduce the temptation to smoke and encourage smokers to quit. Support for a smokefree England is strong, with almost almost 80% of the public backing the legislation.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Guevara´s Perfect Place

Stalin use to say that nationalism had to go to the “History´s waste basket”, Erik Svane send me this picture that shows the perfect place for Che Guevara...

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Thanks to Erik Svane fom No-Pasaran!!

Musical Intermezzo: Discothèque and Rock!

My friend José Reyes from has created some cute pages that I´d like to share with you.

The first one has some of the bigger stars of the “disco music” era in the 70´s, like Giorgio Moroder, Grace Jones, Village People, Gloria Gaynor and KC & The Sunshine Band in “streaming audio”. Go to :

The second one has the Reyes´ list of his Top 20 Rock Guitarists (and the music from their bands). Here you find Jimmy Hendrix, Jimmy Page, Chuck Berry, Angus Young and many others. Of course that everyone has their own particular list, but I missed Peter Frampton here ...

Vai lá: