Tuesday, December 26, 2006

New life (?)

Here I am, right now becoming an European worker. It looks so different from where I came from. Brazil is indeed very different from here. But with all differences , Portugal is still a brother country to Brazil, having some similiarities too. Ok, Porto is a beautiful city, as you can see beside.
It´s clean, organized and crimeless - at least to a Brazilian like me.
But Portugal have something in common:
- Portugal is the country that has the smallest development rate in EU; If Portugal is getting behind all other EU countries, Brazil is getting behind all develloping countries too.
- Portugal suffers from State in excess (the worst citizens per public employees rate among all countries of EU), just like Brazil where all young people wish to be a federal employee.
- The parties that really change roles with situation and opposition are socialists and social-democrats, just like Brazil.
- There´s a referendum asking if the public wants the government to fund and support all abortion clinics and make abortion free for all women, despite the strong catholic creed of the popullation (newspapers cleary induce the public to the `yes´ choice, as it was a question that only matters to oneself). In Brazil Lula`s is trying to impose a new law disguised as `procriation freedom to the women` (yes! it reminds that old eugenic campaigns..) to make abortion free.

But despite all similiarities, what I think is that Portugal is approaching to the abyss but there´s a lot of people seeing it and denouncing it. In Brazil it seems that the blindness is in such degree that there`s no hope at all.

For me, I hope it will be really a new life. Cheers and a happy new year!

New life (?) New life (?) New life (?) New life (?) New life (?) New life (?)

Tags: social-democracy | socialism | porto | Portugal | Life | Brazil

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Remembering Allende and Pinochet

A year ago I decided to create a second english blog called "Simply the Truth" with excerpt of new evidence brought by books (through Google print and others) or websites that were in the archive of the internet.
Just to document it.
I am linking some documents I put there, due to the Pinochet's death.
I am pro life and condemn violence of any kind but I've read some opinions that makes me republished it again.
Pinochet was a dictator? Yes, just like Fidel, Mao and other leftist beloved myths.
The truth is that Pinochet was not a "dictator that destroyed democracy in Chile", he was the opposite!
According to historic sources, Allende who was destroying the Chilean Democracy! And the chambers of deputies in Chile asked the Army to throw Allende off.
It was, in reality, a dictactorship created by the democracy!

All leftist revolutions - since French revolution - decay in mass murder, terrorism and no democracy. If one tries to stop this, it will not be a "peaceful" task, cause the other side always pursued their goals through death and terror.
Revolution is a Pandora's Box. But don't blame it all to Pinochet.
Read this excerpts from Simply the Truth - by José Piñera
It is true that Salvador Allende was elected President of Chile in 1970 by means of a democratic election (although with only 36.6% of the vote). Nevertheless, it is equally true that his government lost its democratic character by repeatedly violating the Constitution. The Economist said it clearly at the time: " The temporary death of democracy in Chile will be regrettable, but the blame lies clearly with Dr. Allende and those of his followers who persistently overrode the Constitution" (September 15, 1973). In effect, President Allende became a tyrant when he broke his solemn oath to respect the Constitution and the Chilean laws. There are numerous evidences to that effect (including a clear statement of the Supreme Court), but the most important one--and widely unknown outside of Chile--is the momentous Agreement of 23 August 1973 of the Chamber of Deputies (the Lower House of the Chilean Congress), which I have translated and posted as "The Declaration of Breakdown of Chilean Democracy".

Here, the full transcript of the "The Declaration of Breakdown of Chilean Democracy"

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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Leaving Brazil

On next Saturday I will be going to Portugal.
It´s a preliminary trip, but in a short time I will live there.
I will be missing many persons here, my family, my little daughter, but Brazil is a dead-end road for anybody that wants to live under a minimum standard of decent living.
Brazil is a country that used to have just three days of Carnival a year, but by now the Carnival is 365 days long every year.
The whole country decided to live in the fantasy, while crimes, corruption and the body count is raising day by day.
The fact is that I´ve just received a business proposal and accepted.
I want a better future for my daughter. A see it as a great opportunity.
I know many people consider Europe dead - morally, politically and culturally, but even dead is better than the non-stop orgy-carnival-bloodshed that is Brazil.

Don´t worry, I will try to update this blog when possible.

See you.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Olavo de Carvalho, a new Rush Limbaugh??

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Olavo just started his virtual radio, called "True Outspeak"
where he makes some reading of the actual lanscape of Brazil and United States too.
The hearers can interact using a phone number indicated on the site.
English speakers are allowed too.
The first broadcast was december, 4th and the next will be on december, 1th.
Stay tuned!

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The Truth about 3D? (December the 3th) in Venezuela

It seems that Rosales stopped the real "Bolivarian" revolution.
Chávez knew that he was going to lose the elections and prepared a bloodbath - with  his armed militants - to kill (in fact) the opposition and to start a totalitarian "bolivarian" regime.
Rosales dismantled the bomb and weakened Chávez' position, once the violent groups that support him ( and waited for Chávez debacle in the elections as a password to start a communist regime with the killing of the opposition) will not support this kind of constitutional regime. Chávez promised the "Revolution" and now he has to get even with them.

At least is what is read in this post on "Noticero Digital".

Rosales, a hero?

"Pienso contar la verdad, no soy dios, no lo sé todo.
No nací para ser eterno, ni para cambiar el rumbo de un país. El 3D de Diciembre del 2006, es y será uno de los dias más gloriosos de la historía de nuestro país.

Hugo Chavez estuvo reunido con el CUFAN, y el ALTO MANDO militar en Fte. Tiuna durante toda la tarde y noche del dia 3 de Diciembre.

Manuel Rosales fue llamado a dicha reunión.

En esa reunión se habló (no se negocio) lo que iba a pasar en los próximos dias del país. El General Raúl Isaias Baduel, creía en que las FAN tenian el deber de apoyar los resultados fuesen como fuesen. Wilfredo Silva, Gnral del CUFAN, escuchaba e iba a escuchar solo ordenes de su Comandante en Jefe, Hugo Chavez Frias.
El CUFAN tiene una importancia operativa, incluso mayor que el Ministerio de la Defensa.

Los resultados hablados en dicha reunión los desconosco, y no voy a mentir. Lo que si sé es que el Gnral. Baduel tomó una postura de apoyo con Rosales. Hubo mucha tensión.

Los grupos armados de Chavez, aparecidos ( En diarios internacionales previo a las elecciones) estaban listos para actuar. El gobierno NO iba a reconocer un triunfo de Rosales. Eso se lo dejó dicho bien claro Chavez a Rosales. Acabada la reunión, se acordó entre los militares y Chavez que habría toque de queda a las 10pm. Ya que esta sería la excusa para reprimir cualquiera manifestación opositora, tanto con el ejercito el cual en dia de elecciones es muy debil, debido a que pro el Plan Republica sus efectivos estan desplegados, y por las milicias de Chavez. Que ya circulaban la ciudad, acompañados por 2000 efectivos con ordenes directas del CUFAN fuertemente armados.

La sorpresa se la llevó Chavez, cuando despues de que el CNE lo proclama ganador, y el da su discurso (CORTO) y violento. Debido a que la situación de tensión no permitia que se prolongará mucho.

Manuel Rosales sale en discurso nacional hablando reconociendo la derrota. Desarticulando así la matanza y la instauración de una dictadura totalitaria. Si quieren corroborar esto lean articulos previos de personas como Mario Silva, quienes todos pronosticaban el 3D con sangre, pero con la victoria de la verdadera revolución.

El hecho es que Rosales le jugó a Chavez en su propio terreno. Desarticuló un plan en el cual para Chavez la pieza fundamental era el llamado a caos de Rosales. La anarquía total, de personas, opositoras tambien armadas en muchisima menor medidas, pero irracionales debido a los resultados, se enfrentarian con su gente infinamente mejor armadas y con apoyo del CUFAN del Gnral. Silva.

Amparados en un toque de queda, y con una legitimación gracias a los resultados del CNE. No se preguntaron, porque un primer boletín tan temprano, y del 85%?....El CNE tenía que legitimizar a Chavez contundentemente antes de comenzar el plan macabro. Porque la compra de 1500 motos, entregadas días antes a motorizados en los Barrios Petare, El Valle, 23 de Enero. Porque el ejercito todavía no cuenta con los 100,000 AK 103 que compro Venezuela???

Señores, ManueL Rosales secretamente y muy bien asesorado, le jugó a Chavez uno de los revez más grandes de la historia política Venezolana. Chavez quedó mal parado ante los militares ( incluído Baduel) y ante su propia gente, a quienes les juro que el 3 de Diciembre en la noche tendria que defender la gloriosa revolución.

Hoy 6 de Diciembre el Chavismo esta más debil que nunca, por dos motivos.

1. Reconocen la gallardía y hombría de Rosales.

2. En su base más radical se sienten engañados.

2b. Hay problemas internos muy muy graves con respecto al partido único. Los dirigentes de PPT (625,000 votos) se pronunciaron hoy rotundamente encontra de esto. Muy molestos con lo que se quiere hacer.

2c. Iris Varela pidió la cabeza de los empleados públicos traidores.

En definitiva, si se gano o no, el 3D no es lo importante en este momento. Porque aun si se hubiese ganado por un pequeño margen estariamos todavía hoy sumidos en un conflicto armado de una escala inimaginale. Rosales causó el mayor de los daños, Rosales los hirió en la base mas sagrada de un comunista, los hirió en su convicción de poseer la verdad.

Vienen dias muy pero muy buenos.

El 3D es el evento que nos hace posible una transición pacífica.

Buenas Noches, y más bien esten contentos. Que los que deberian estar preocupados son ellos.

Hay ciertas partes de la historía que desconosco."

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Thursday, December 07, 2006

Rosales: 6 millions of voters??

This video caught the exact moment - just after Rosales conceded the victory to Chavez - that Pablo Medina, a founder of one of Venezuela's principal opposition parties, La Causa, took the microphone to announce the REAL numbers of Venezuelan elections "Rosales: seis milliones...." so the transmition is cutted to the studio ...
Rosales, the real winner of december 4th, elections??

Thanks to Chavilarism, again...

Peña Esclusa thinks Venezuelan elections resembled the Brazilian elections=A Deal was made!

Only hours after my last - and a little bitter - post, the site Chavilarism
brought this interview with Peña Esclusa that confirms the obvious for me: Rosales won the elections! But made a deal to protect himself from Chávez...
Exactly what happened in Brazil, where the "opposition" guy just denied to reveal the true nature and liasons of the government of Lula da Silva.
It was not the social programs. It was not money. It was fraud.
Simple and plain.
Read on!

Noticias24 :: Actualidad » ¿Y Peña Esclusa que piensa de todo esto?

¿Y Peña Esclusa que piensa de todo esto?

En General  |
December 6, 2006 a las9:29 pm | 2,149 views

Alejandro Peña Esclusa,
conocido activista político venezolano y autor de varios libros,
entre ellos el famoso “350″, no comparte la visión
electoral ofrecida por los factores en juego (CNE, Chávez,
Rosales). En un artículo titulado “Motivos del Pacto” dice que el ganador de las elecciones fue Rosales y, a partir de ahí, hubo un pacto.

Es evidente que Rosales ganó por avalancha.
Eso no tiene discusión. Basta comparar las concentraciones
opositoras –masivas y espontáneas– con las del
oficialismo –pagadas y llenas de autobuses.

La pregunta es ¿Por qué Rosales aceptó la derrota, sabiéndose ganador?

Por un lado, el oficialismo amenazó a Rosales
con masacrar al pueblo y destruir las instalaciones petroleras si no
acataba sumisamente la derrota; pero por el otro, proclamar el fraude
hubiese provocado –luego de una severa crisis
política– una intervención de las Fuerzas Armadas,
como bien lo anticipó el periodista Rafael Poleo.

La oposición venezolana está conformada casi toda por izquierdistas “moderados”
–como Teodoro Petkoff– que, aunque disienten del estilo
radical del Régimen, se oponen aún más a una
intervención militar de “derecha”. Por eso,
prefieren mantener a un Chávez ilegítimo en el poder
–con quien pueden negociar y compartir el poder, bajo ciertos
criterios socialistas– antes que darle paso a un gobierno

El filósofo brasileño Olavo de Carvalho, denunció que lo mismo ocurre en su país.
El candidato opositor a Lula, Geraldo Alckmin, deliberadamente
ocultó los vínculos que mantiene el Partido de los
Trabadores (PT) con la industria del secuestro y el narcotráfico
a través del Foro de Sao Paulo, porque el Partido Social
Demócrata Brasileño (PSDB) comparte con el PT su odio por
las Fuerzas Armadas. Alckimin no quiso golpear duro a Lula para no
revelar secretos que habrían agitado el ambiente militar.
Prefirió una derrota negociada antes que abrirle la puerta a un
gobierno de derecha.

Ese mismo diagnóstico se aplica a toda Iberoamérica. La
mayoría de los partidos políticos nacieron con el fin de
combatir las dictaduras militares de los años sesenta. Por sus
prejuicios y por su formación marxista, lo que más temen
estos partidos es a una intervención militar.

Pero en ciertos casos, sólo una actuación militar es capaz de derrocar un tirano y restablecer la democracia.
En el año 1958, las Fuerzas Armadas venezolanas intervinieron,
no para dar un golpe, sino para deponer a un dictador que no
permitía una salida electoral. Esa actuación dio origen a
una democracia que, con todos sus defectos, fue una de las más
duraderas del continente.

Sin embargo, los socialistas “moderados” no piensan igual.
Con tal de cerrarle el paso al “fantasma de la derecha”,
prefirieron dejar a Chávez seis años más en el
poder, para que exporte a toda América la Revolución
cubana, acabe con la propiedad privada, termine de destruir las
instituciones nacionales, particularmente a las Fuerzas Armadas, y
adoctrine a nuestros hijos con ideologías comunistas.

Prefirieron echar al olvido los muertos, los presos
políticos, los exilados, los 20 mil empleados injustamente
despedidos de PDVSA, y las esperanzas de millones de venezolanos que confiaron en las promesas vacías de Rosales.

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Venezuela stood still ... Before suicide

I don´t believe what happened.
Venezuela was the last glimpse of democracy in LA, in my opinion, because has a real opposition.
I believe all the polls were a fraud. I believe Rosales could win.Chavez only by cheating, as he did in the past.
I believe that such thing happened - Chavez victory - the opposition united would started to show what happened to all the world.
Rosales "conceded" earlier than Kerry in 2004 against Bush.
I want to know: if there was fraud it could not be such thing as "concede". Look what is going on in Mexico: To the left - even when they lost a real democratic elections- they pretend that it was robbed.
If there was fraud in Venezuela, opposition never could conceded. Where there is fraud there´s no democracy at all thus not reasons to do such thing.

If the elections were democratic in Venezuela so all the analysis from the opposition and dozens of sites were failed. Only for this motiv, could be a reason to think that opposition lost another round in the democracy game.

But it means that there´s no such thing as the Foro de Sao Paulo, that all countries in LA are stepping the gas towards a troglodite lefty model all by theirselves with no help from nobody.
FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia) acclaimed the Lula victory as just Britney Spears fans - that love to watch her videos- do : only as interested spectators of the show.
Lula helped Chavez just a friend, nothing to do with the Foro...

To believe this is to believe in Fairy Tales that tells that no matter how worst the things may become, everything is going to be all right, in the end. If it is not ok it is just because we are not in the "end" yet.

It sounds totally Darwinist: there´ll be an evolution, and when it occurs all will solved...

I don´t believe in evolution, in fact I believe in devolution: Nothing is worse that cannot be worser.

Rosales could not consider Chavez a fair competitor. It sound as a joke. There´s no democracy to hope in the future..

Latin America right now remembers me an old song that I used to hear when was in my twenties, that said: "No Future.. No Future for you..!" (Sex Pistols - "Anarchy for the UK").

Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Day Venezuela Stood Still

Today is the day!
I've read some newspapers in Brazil that says Chavez is going to win. As just as plain fact.
But I know that if there's such "democratic elections" thing in Venezuala, Rosales will be the next president.

Let's wait and hope that true democracy could emerge from Venezuela this time.

I love Venezuela and the Venezuelans too, and pray that their voices could be heard through the curtain of silence made by Chavez.


Thursday, November 30, 2006

My English Accent: I am a "Chicago Boy"!?

Thanks to "No Pasarán", I came across this quiz that discovers from where your english accent comes from.
In my case it seems that I am closer to Chicago than I ever dreamed of - for a Brazilian.
I got it! I was raised in a city named "Passo Fundo" - Brazil (where ET got caught on video on the film "Signs"). Passo Fundo was so crowded of violent criminals that in the seventies it was called "Chicago from the Pampa" (Pampa = steppe like terrain in south of Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina).
The other coincidence is that the pupils of Milton Friedman were called "Chicago Boys"...

See the results!

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Inland North

You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop."

The Midland

The South

The Northeast


North Central

The West


What American accent do you have?
Take More Quizzes

Brazilian press: blindness or just "wishingful thinking"?

Miriam Leitao, a famous Brazilian reporter dropped this "analysis" of post-election of Lula on the new Washington Post blog- "PostGlobal". Read this excerpt.

Amazonian & Afro-Brazilian Power - Miriam Leitao at PostGlobal
Recently in Brazil traditional forces have gained political power. President Lula won again and built a governing coalition from among the most conservative forces in the country's political spectrum

I wonder who are the supposed "conservative forces" that entered Lula's 'coalition' government..
FARC? They recently announced they support to Lula's new term.
Chávez? Lula flew to Venezuela just after the election..

"Traditional" parties in Brazil means a bunch of political parties that have one simple goal: to make all of integrants richer. It's the only field that a real capitalist can make a lot of money in Brazil. The recipe is : Support the government and profit. Elections? People in Brazil never remember who they cast their votes. But the government sure, always remembers who's for and who's against them. These politics love bribery. It has nothing to do with "conservatives".

She has to realize that what government calls "coalition" means "come on: there's money and ministry budget enough for all" while Lula still ahead of the continental silent revolution.

It is not just bad journalism. It's a fraud.

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My New Podcast on FreeSpeech Audio

Here´s my new podcast on Freespeech audio. This one has the title "Post Election Blues" and reflect my feelings after the Lula da Silva election in Brazil and the situation in LA and USA too...


Luis' Post Lula Victory

Nov-27-06 by Jose Reyes

Luis has a post election summary of the unfortunate victory of Lula in Brazil. He also covers the elections in Venezuela and adds his views.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The real "best weblogs" contest

While the official competition for "best weblog" is crowded of anti-freedom allies posing as "rebels" among other frivolities, Jose Reyes from Cubanology.com has started a real contest: the Anti-Communist International awards.

This page is a proud integrant of such freedom defenders.
Enjoy the contest!!

Cubanology, 2006 Anti-Communist "International" Awards
These awards will be different from the typical awards out there because they will be based on more detailed important matters so the categories will reflect more significant results. Voting will start on Monday November 20th and will end on December 31st. Will have Updates every Sunday and will announce the Winners on January 1st 2007.

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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

New blog -- "De Review"

"De Review aims to provide cosmopolitan readers with the bests news on global affairs, books, and culture scattered throughout the internet."

A new blog called "De Review!" has just started. It seems a very good selection of analysts and posts.
"Swimming" is among the links listed there.

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Greetings from Porto Alegre

Yes! Besides the fact how much politics - I mean bad politicis or better "socialist" politics- have been impoverishing the city and making it uglier and violent, Porto Alegre's skyline is still beautiful. Enjoy - taken by me in 2004. Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 17, 2006

Lula and Chavez / Lula and Garcia / Lula and Evo: The Character behind the mask.

As we've seen in the magistral movie "V - for Vendetta", a character behind a mask will always be a character behind a mask.
As "Evey" (Portman) asked to the masked man "who you are?", "V" replied that it was a paradox to ask a masked man who he is.

That's exactly the situation of Lula da Silva.

He will never explain who he is. He has to be perceived a character in "chiaro-scuro", or in the North-American way "noir", someone emerged from an old expressionist film. Someone half in the light and half in the dark.
Lulas has two sides.

Lula is a "good guy" - The "bright" side
This is the side of Lula's personallity that he wants to be known. He over-acted this role when is needed. It is needed when he is in front of a large audience formed of countries and statesmen that he must to convice that he is a former leftist that believe in the free market but is worried with the poor and the hunger worldwide. He made his best efforts to ensure he is a reasonable guy that could put out the fire of Latin America, acting as a fireman to explosive leaders like Chavez and Morales.

Lula is the leader of a Gramscian revolution - The Dark Side
While he keeps his mask as good guy to Europe and US, he spread his claws to Brazil and influence other countries in LA to guarantee that his comrades from the "foro"
- Stay in power in the countries that are on their hands
- Reach the power in the countries that they are on the opposition (democratic) hands

I know that many would like the first to be the real, perhaps because this nightmare would be bleaker enough to bear, or just because they believe communism is dead, or even just by a process of wishfull thinking (magical thinking?). But is not.

The real Lula - or someone that is known as Lula - is a character created by former revolutionaries in Brazil.

Luis Inacio (before he changed his name to his nickname "Lula"- that means "squid" in portuguese) was an ordinary mechanical worker jumped to the leadership of one of the biggest union trade of Brazil in the middle of seventies. He lead the greatest strike in the car assemblers industry during the military regime. He became famous. But that time he was still capitalist, even facing the military regime.

Well, in 1979, the "evil" military released a wide amnesty resolution that forgave all crimes perpretraded by activists and terrorists and even the military that exceeded their actions against them, so thousand of Brazilian emigrés returned to the country. Here they knew the power of Luis Inacio. He has all the features of a leftist leader to complete the work that was left behind in the sixties: popularity and charisma.

The communist revolution in the sixties did not have any popular support because it was fought by students, intellectuals and "catholic" left (theology of liberation). That lesson was learned. They needed a real worker to get the support from the masses and Luis Inacio was perfect to the role.
Luís Inacio was adopted by these revolution veterans, that fed him with ideology. So they gave birth to "Lula", just like other revolutionary legend in Brazil, Chico Mendes that was created by the same way in the eighties.

The fact is that Lula enjoyed so much the character that he never unmasked himself again. The creature now moved on his own feet.

To become the creator of PT's party in the eighties , the candidate in the first free president election in Brazil and the creator of Foro de Sao Paulo in the nineties were just developments of the same plot/acting plan.

Now Lula changes his behavior from good guy / bad guy everytime he wants to hide his real intentions.

With Chavez (a friend and a comrade from the Foro): he must guarantee the he is going to be elected. Pure and simple. It is good for the Foro, not for Brazil. He must stop Rosales. Nothing to do with money!! He is saving a comrade!!
With Evo (other from the Foro) he even went further: he backed Eve when he said is going "nationalise". He said Evo will not do it, it was just campaign talk. Evo did it, invaded our machinery in Bolivia and Lula did not move an eyebrow.

But Garcia is not from the "Foro". He is just a loser. In fact. A person that could win even with all Foro Boys against him, that won Humala that was backed by Lula and Chavez could not acted as he did: just after the election he declared an open support for the re-election of Lula. This guy is nuts. He could join Colombia's president Alvaro Uribe, but not. He preferred to run for the arms of the "squid".

To be final: I cannot bear the silly talk about "progressive" left. As one of Ludwig Von Mises pointed out in his famous work "Middle of the road policies leads to Socialism" : these "progressive" guys are nothing that the old lefties in capitalist disguise. They still believe that capitalism is a system that "hurts the vital interests of the immense majority of people for the sole benefit of a small minority of rugged indivifualists". That's all they believe.

The last Lula's surprise-not-so-surprise-for-those-who-knows-who-he-really-is is that he will follow Chavez footsteps: he is going to change the constitution to run again for president!!!

Garcia is a fool.
Lula is not a solution.
Lula is not a good guy.

If there's a character that fits perfectly on Lula is not the "good guy" model. It's Goethe's "Faust" .

That's why I don't believe in a near future for Latin America. The only glimpse seems to be Rosales.

Atreve-te Venezuela!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Coup d'État under way in Venezuela: An Urgent Memo to the OAS

I've just received this message from the yahoo group - Chavez Huguito - and I am fowarding It very important and all bloggers from LA and USA must be aware of it.


Coup d'État under way in Venezuela:
An Urgent Memo to the OAS
By Gustavo Coronel
November 10, 2006

A coup d'état is in progress in Venezuela at this very moment. Hugo Chávez leads it in his double role as president and presidential candidate in the upcoming elections.
This open rebellion against the constitution and the laws of the republic started several days ago, when Rafael Ramírez, the Oil Minister cum president of the State oil company, Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), addressed employees of the company to tell them that whoever was not with Chávez had to leave the company immediately. Ramírez threatened to fire anyone who dissented, in the same way that Chávez sacked 19,500 PDVSA employees in 2002 for being "enemies of the revolution." Ramírez said that PDVSA was "red" from top to bottom, red being the color chosen by the so-called "Bolivarian Revolution" of Hugo Chávez.
This speech was recorded in its entirety and its authenticity is not in dispute. On the contrary, next day the Venezuelan strongman publicly congratulated Ramírez and asked him to "repeat the speech one hundred times a day."
In the same opportunity he said that the Venezuelan armed forces were equally "red" and at the service of the revolution. This also constituted an open violation of the Venezuelan constitution in its article 328 and to the laws of the republic. How would the international opinion react if Bush or Fox, just to mention two presidents of democratic countries publicly stated that the armies of their countries were at the service of their political parties or groups?
Why would this create a global commotion but there is no reaction when it takes place in Venezuela?
The most probable explanation is that the reaction should start at the local institutions which represent the citizens of the country, those institutions in charge of the checks and balances that are indispensable to democracy.
Unfortunately the Venezuelan strongman has captured these institutions and their leadership behave as Chávez's errand boys. This is the case of the National Assembly, of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice, the Ombudsman, the General Comptroller and the Attorney General.
This is also the case with the Defense Minister who has kept essentially quiet after Chávez's statement of open rebellion. In fact, what he has said so far (La Verdad, Maracaibo, November 8, 2006) is that he would not comment on Chávez's statement.
Taking this silence as tacit approval, Admiral Luis Cabrera has just told the State TV channel that "we are in a revolution and that the revolution is the constitution," an outburst that cannot be interpreted as in any other manner than as an open rebellion against the laws of the country.
This is taking place in our country as the popular mood seems to be changing clearly against Chávez and as election day gets closer.
The open rebellion of Hugo Chávez against the constitution and the laws of our country has the objective of getting his followers ready to deny an electoral victory to the opposition.
The reasons are twofold: one, the desire by Chávez to stay in power indefinitely and, two, his realization that if he loses and yields power, he and his accomplices will be criminally indicted for the ruin they have brought upon the country, for the loss of national sovereignty he has allowed and for the multiple violations he has committed against the human rights of Venezuelans.
The secretary General of the Organization of American States, on a recent visit to Caracas, stated, "only Venezuelans can solve their problems."
But, how can we solve the Venezuelan tragedy when the strongman is closing all democratic paths?
What is developing in Venezuela, in view of Chávez's attitude, is probably a violent confrontation between a dictatorial regime with a well-armed paramilitary force and a very frustrated and unarmed civilian population.
Although I realize that the OAS is a very bureaucratic organization and slow to move, I urge the Secretary General to use his diplomatic clout to try to prevent a tragic outcome of the coming Venezuelan electoral process.
The evidence is there for all to hear and see.
© 2006 Gustavo Coronel

Only the paranoid survive - "The FreeNet Project" - the freer internet (?)

As Intel's chairman Andy Grove said once "Only the paranoid survive"!!
This is true not just inside of big-business field.

When you see the outlaw countries and UN forcing to take control over the net, you have to be a paranoid. They say they are the good guys trying to release the girl from the villain when it is exactly the opposite.

In this hard times for freedom, and I think that it will be worse and worse, all people like us that defend truth and freedom must protect ourselves too. The high exposibilty of internet is a two-way road: while ease the information access to people that's been fooled,  transforms you into a high viewable target.
Browsing trough the internetm I found out this project, called "The FreeNet"..
Read on!.

What is Freenet?


Freenet is free software which lets you publish and obtain information on the Internet without fear of censorship. To achieve this freedom, the network is entirely decentralized and publishers and consumers of information are anonymous. Without anonymity there can never be true freedom of speech, and without decentralization the network will be vulnerable to attack.

Communications by Freenet nodes are encrypted and are "routed-through" other nodes to make it extremely difficult to determine who is requesting the information and what its content is.

Users contribute to the network by giving bandwidth and a portion of their hard drive (called the "data store") for storing files. Unlike other peer-to-peer file sharing networks, Freenet does not let the user control what is stored in the data store. Instead, files are kept or deleted depending on how popular they are, with the least popular being discarded to make way for newer or more popular content. Files in the data store are encrypted to reduce the likelihood of prosecution by persons wishing to censor Freenet content.

The network can be used in a number of different ways and isn't restricted to just sharing files like other peer-to-peer networks. It acts more like an Internet within an Internet. For example Freenet can be used for:

  • Publishing websites or 'freesites'
  • Communicating via message boards
  • Content distribution

Unlike many cutting edge projects, Freenet long ago escaped the science lab, it has been downloaded by over 2 million users since the project started, and it is used for the distribution of censored information all over the world including countries such as China and the Middle East. Ideas and concepts pioneered in Freenet have had a significant impact in the academic world. Our 2000 paper "Freenet: A Distributed Anonymous Information Storage and Retrieval System" was the most cited computer science paper of 2000 according to Citeseer, and Freenet has also inspired papers in the worlds of law and philosophy. Ian Clarke, Freenet's creator and project coordinator, was selected as one of the top 100 innovators of 2003 by MIT's Technology Review magazine.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Start blogging for freedom

FYI. Important announcement.
My two blogs "Swimming against the red tide "  and (portuguese) "Nadando Contra Maré Vermelha" are among the blog list.
If you have sometime, check it out!!!

"Weblogs pop up regularly on the Internet, but many fade away shortly after without trace. In some countries no blogs means no access to independent information, and there is reason to be concerned about a blogger's safety when new entries stop appearing.

Men and women from the United States to Iran and Brazil to China have risked imprisonment and personal safety by voicing their opinions and spreading information in their Weblogs, and these are the bloggers honored in the Deutsche Welle's annual Best of the Blogs Awards. Ten of the world's most influential blogs promoting freedom of expression can be found at www.thebobs.com. Cast Your Vote Now!

The BOBs are also proud to partner with Reporters Without Borders ( www.rsf.org) in campaigning for the release of more than 60 imprisoned cyber-dissidents and in calling for Internet users to support freedom of expression around the globe.

Join Reporters Without Borders and the BOBs in a 24-hour cyber demonstration against the Internet's Black Holes and register your opposition to censorship.

Give cyber-dissidents the help they need.

Get more information on Weblogs in the Deutsche Welle awards at www.thebobs.com and add your voice to the fight against online censorship at www.rsf.org.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

New blog: nzeal

A new blogger - who dives against the red too - soon will be added to my blogroll. Newzeal.blogspot.com

The owner, Trevor, described it here. Wellcome.

"My Blog New Zeal, deals a lot with the Latin American red tide, so it was good to find you and your colleagues. You can find me at newzeal.blogspot.com, or simply google New Zeal."

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Brasil - El Acuerdo Secreto - Olavo de Carvalho en "La Historia Paralela" de Argentina

One of Olavo´s latest articles was translated to spanish.
Here´s an excerpt.


Brasil - El Acuerdo Secreto

Publicado el 6 de November, 2006 en Internacional

Olavo CarvalhoEl punto culminante del debate del viernes fue la declaración de Lula respecto a que ningún gobierno anterior investigó tan a fondo o estaba tan bien informado sobre los crímenes de corrupción como el suyo. ¿Acaso no es justamente maravilloso que el más informado de los presidentes nada sabía de los crímenes cometidos por cinco de sus propios ministros? ¿No es una delicia que un gobierno que lo percibe todo sobre la delincuencia esparcida en el país entero, ignore lo que pasa en el Palacio de Planalto?De nuestra generación no se puede decir que vivió, sino que se arrastró en silencio: los jóvenes rumbo a la decrepitud, los viejos rumbo a las sepulturas sin honra.

(Tácito, historiador romano, 56-117 AD)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Intimidation of press: Abuse, Threats and Pressure. New Lula government have just started!

Sooner than you think, what Lula means to say on "social control of the means of communication" has just started.
And started with journalists from weekly magazine "Veja" the one that do the real journalism in Brazil.

"Veja" has started the scandal of the buy of the fake dossier against opposition (Serra - São Paulo state governor candidate **elected** and Alckmin) . They published the photos of the money found with friends of Mr. Lula to complete the operation. The money was withdrew from the public view but Veja got copies of the photos.
"Veja" has denounced the operation known as "abafa" - a white-washing operation from PT to clean the scene of the crime - related to the faked dossier agains Alckmin.

Federal Police seems to started to be used as Lula´s bulldog.

Another chapter on the "Death of a democracy".. Read it!!

Abuse, Threats and Pressure against "Veja" journalists
31 de Outubro de 2006   

With the excuse of obtain information to a investigation on internal affairs of functional rights of their sheriff and agents, Federal Police convocated five journalists from weekly magazine Veja to a kind of interrogatory. They were responsable for the reports that related the involvement of feds in acts described as the "abafa" (white-washing) operation on purpose to get Freud Godoy - presidency assessor - rid from the attempt of buying the infamous faked dossier that would be used against political adversaries of the government. Three from the five convocated - Julia Duablili, Camila Pereira e Marcelo Carneiro - were heard on tuesday afternoon by the sheriff Moysés Eduardo Ferreira.

For the surprise of the reporters their inquiry was not taken as witnesses, but as suspects. The questions were about the magazine that, for its turn, seemed to be the real focus of the police investigation. The description from the reporters and the  lawyer that was with them  clears that, although, that abuses were committed, pressure and threats in a clear and unacceptable attempt against the freedom of expression, guaranteed by the Constitution.

  1. When asked Julia Duailibi, sheriff delegado Moysés Eduardo Ferreira asked the reason why she wrote that "phallacy". VEJA reporter, than asked the sheriff what was the purpose of her inquiry hence he has came to the conclusion that the information published on the magazine were "phallacies". (..)
  1. Although the VEJA journalist was being inquired as witness with no relation with the money photos from the dossier, sheriff Moysés Eduardo Ferreira asked her on the previous report, signed by her. The sheriff demanded her to reveal who gave  her the CD with the photos. The reporter avoided to reveal her sources.

  1. During the inquiry of Julia Duailibi, sheriff Moysés Eduardo Ferreira asked her on what he believed was an operation orchestraded by VEJA to "fabricate" news against the Federal Police. He said the report was conceived by magazine editors  and he wanted to know who was editor responsable to create the expression "abafa operation".
Adding: the reporters weere been called as witnesses but  sheriff Moyses impeded them to consult with ther lawyer....

The odd facts are potetializaed by the raising ideological hostility to the independent means of communication, by the aggression by the militanst paid by the government against reporters on the duty of their jobs and , in special, by the lazyness that these facts were carried by the authorities. When the press is targeted by a political force the alert sign must be turned on by means that the spark could be extinguished before become a fire. Never is too late to remember :"Worse than to be submetted by the dictatorship of the few is to be submetted by a dictatorship of the majority".

Monday, October 30, 2006

Lula's re-election: The Crowning of Lie and Deceit

Some folks tried to blame Lula's victory on economics.
They say:
- We are growing
- We don't have to import petroil anymore
- We do not need IMF help
- We have a strong democracy
- We have electronic voting machines...

Sorry folks, but it is all folklore.

This election is not based in economics. But if it was - it was another reason to Alckmin to win. Brazil does not deserve to form the infamous "BRIC" acronym anymore. Is the developing country that does not grow!! Last year we only passed Haiti in development. This year we will fall behind her...

This election was about moral values. And we lost. All people that believed that having a president that "did not know nothing" about corruption in his government while could appoint in details all presumed corruption scandals from others was a little too much for democracy.

This election prove that propaganda could solve everything. We are a people that do not care for reality, just for appearences.. I don't know where all the people that got angry on Lula and PT after all the scandals went. They seem to evaporated when last year finished, to reencarnate as a hard PT militants again.

Note what happened in my state - Rio Grande do Sul.
PT's candidate- Olívio Dutra, the former "ministry of cities" from Lula's government - only entered in the second round of election with a small lead of some thousand votes. Olivio Dutra was governor from 1999-2002 and was the worst governor ever - according to the facts and to the polls in the first round elections.
Just to mention. During the years of PT in Rio Grande do Sul we had:
- Big business companies like Ford Motors were ousted to another states - after contracts been have signed with former governor were broken - carrying thousand of employees with them. All because they are against "capitalism".
- Oívio Dutra had an official meeting with a FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia) representative inside the official palace of Rio Grande do Sul government.
- Tenths of Journalists were persecuted by the government because they are critic of Olívio. Some of them are responding to the justice until now for "opinion crimes".

The list is so long that I could keep numbered them for hours.
Well, this tragedy called "Olívio Dutra government" achieved a high positive polls in the second round election!!

Just some days after the first round, people started to change their minds... Why??

Because the PT's propaganda machine (speciallized in lies ) throw the "privatisation scared" against the public, as I mentioned before.

At least in my state, PT did not win. We have now as governor a woman called Yeda Crusius from the same party from Alckmin - PSDB.

But, returning to the point. It was not on economy. All Brazilians says we have too much taxes. But to cut taxes does not represents to cut budget. Alckmin proved - in Sao Paulo - that when you cut taxes you could even raise money!!! People starts to have more money to spend, they buy more things, they drive economy to bloom. No, the elections were not on economics.
They were on Moral and Ethics.
And we all lose.
Lose because our institutions are afraid to use the Rule of Law when it is has to be. We have a president that joins terrorist groups at Sao Paulo Forum - no newspaper nor electoral debate it was asked. We have a president that instead of defending his country prefers to help his "comrades" like Evo Morales, Chávez and even Fidel.

We lose because of this. Opposition staged a "democracy" play and make believe its all ok.
Yesterday a heard some opinions on the elections and a columnist said that Brazil is the champion of electronic vote. That our country is ahead of any other because of our "voting machine".
This stupid fool could not see that an election that has no way of recounting is not really democratic??
That's why there'll be no e-vote in the USA.

In the end: We lose. That's all.

And nobody will do nothing to stop Lula. How can you evaluate an "opposition" man like Fernando Henrique Cardoso that said that will be no impeachment processes against Lula? Now, with the reelection the big thief is totally in safe.

The next phase of Lula's government is the corner: "The Social Control of the Means of Communication". Goodbye freedom...

Olavo´s censored article (developments)

Good morning:

These are the recent developments of the affair Olavo-Zero Hora newspaper.
As you know from here, an article from Olavo to Zero Hora was rejected by the board of Zero Hora newspaper because cited sources with "lack of credibility" - here the full story and article here.

First: Revision
Due to the lack of time, I used the services from google to translate the article. Something got wrong:

" A student, Mirian Macedo, sent the Louise Caroline, vice-president of JOIN, a letter against the abortion program from PT."

Comment: JOIN not exists, the real word is UNE and it means the "National Join of Students" (or National Joint of Students...), so the phrase must be:

'A student, Mirian Macedo, sent the Louise Caroline, vice-president of UNE (National Join of Students - an institutuin controlled by Communist Party of Brazil - PCdoB), a letter against the abortion program from PT. He received the following reply, that I transcribe in the originary orthography: " therefore you are going to lose everything, dear… even your books and the disgusting cleanness of your little children... Take care... Our alliance with Chávez and Fidel will arrive any day at you happy house. And will be a delight ." Louise Caroline, whose level of instruction is more or less equal of Lula's mother at her birth, compensates this handicap with a truculent surplus. She is the ideal college student created by PT's education.'

Second: Olavo was fired
Yes, after he exposed the double standards of Zero Hora, he received a letter from the Editor asking him to stop sending new articles, due to a "ethics code"...

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Censored article from Olavo de Carvalho in Brazil: "Conscientious Vote"

Here´s the message I´ve received from Olavo, yesterday.

He supposed to have an article published on newspaper "Zero Hora" from Porto Alegre, RS.

Today´s article was censored. Read below.


"Dear Friends,


My Zero Hora´s articler (29/10) was simply censored, thus you can forward it  from now on, in this version and with the following warning -    

Olavo de Carvalho´s article censored by "Zero Hora"


The followin article "Conscientious Vote", was censored by the the board of Zero Hora, a newspaper from Porto Alegre- Brazil, because it allegedelly hurted its ethics code.

I don´t have any idea what the word 'etichs' could mean inside this context, without being the obligation to hide facts that could point the real graveness of the Brazil situation. These facts  are being absent from the news pages from the "gaucho" (Brazil's southern state) newspaper for years, not having any reason to not be withdraw from my column. An additional explanation by the page editor - Nilson Souza - was less explainatory. The motiv to suppress the article, he said, was that the information came from a blog with no credibility. The premise for this is that a newspaper that hides the truth not only acquire an higher level of credibility in doing it, but acquires it in a such level that enable this newspaper to judge others (that publish truth). Furthermore, I mentioned this blog on a random mode, hence the sources of this information are abundant and even I have been quoting enough to be labeled as 'obsessive' for this.
But, if the directors from "Zero Hora" are playing fools, it is for a serious reason: they are really fools. Unfortunately, they will finally understand it, but  it will be too late, what Lula means when he says  about 'democratization of the means of communication'
Olavo de Carvalho".

  Conscientious Vote 

Olavo de Carvalho

Data obtained from the blog http://ex-petista1.blogspot.com/2006/08/notas.html:

Maurício Hernandez Norambuena, the agent of the Chilean MIR that led the kidnapping of Washington Olivetto, has as lawyer Iberê Bandeira de Mello, that was Lula's defender and today he is the defender of Silvio Pereira (PT) and Klinger Luiz de Oliveira Sousa (PT). While Norambuena was in jail and the PT's elite made everything to take off it of there, Lula and his ortographic (ghost writer) guru Luiz Dulci reunited with representatives of the MIR at the XXII Meeting of the Forum of São Paulo, in July of 2005, at the Perseu Abramo Foundation , in São Paulo, to plan common strategies between the Chilean group, the leftist PT and other organizations, among them MST, MSLT, FARC, MIR, CUT, PCB, PC of B, ELN, Chilean Communist Party, MAS and Cuban Communist Party. Norambuena was imprisoned in President Bernardes with the leaders of PCC (first capital commando – the criminal terrorist group) , whose maximum leader, Marcos William Herbas Camacho, is brother of Gabriel Herbas Camacho, representative of MAS (Movimiento al Socialism), the party of Evo Morales and an active participant of the Forum of São Paulo.

With ten percent of these good relations, Lula and his gang already must have been expelled from the decent politics a long ago. The story is well documented in the documents from the Forum of São Paulo and even in the website of the Perseu Abramo Foundation. An especially charming detail can be added to this: the Civil Policy of Santo André (SP) informs that Jilmar Tatto, Arselino Tatto and Enio Tatto, all from PT-SP, are liked to criminal faction PCC. Jilmar Tatto was secretary of Transports in the Marta Suplicy(former PT's São Paulo mayor) government as the city mayor of Sao Paulo.

As nothing of this was cited in the electoral debates, the Brazilian people goes today to the ballot boxes certain that the such of "conscientious vote" is being practising.




         The NGO "Net 13", from the state of Santa Catarina, was established in April of 2003, collected twenty million from the government, gave them to Lula's daughter (Lurian is her name) and, fulfilled to this its noble purpose, it was closed in August of the same year. The operation was co-ordinated by the presidential barbecue-maker Jorge Lorenzetti (link: http://news.tce.sc.gov.br/aplic/clipping.nsf/$defaultview/6CDFE26CA1BF526683257209003BBA7B?OpenDocument)



         The half-state telecom "Brasil-Telecom" already have a software called "Narus Insight Discover Suite", that is capable to read our e-mails, to search our banking accounts and to hear our conversation through Skype. It means: good bye, privacy. For the Lula dynasty, however, this it can be good news. This was the company- according to weekly magazine "Veja" - the fortunate son Fábio "Little Lula" was trying to buy, not making it thanks to legal impediments. But these are, are clearly, removable. If everything works out, the future Brazil's official stamps will exhibit the ear of "Little Lula", that one that everything hears.




A student, Mirian Macedo, sent the Louise Caroline, vice-president of JOIN, a letter against the abortion program from PT. He received the following reply, that I transcribe in the originary orthography: "therefore you are going to lose everything, dear… even your books and the disgusting cleanness of your little children... Take care... Our alliance with Chávez and Fidel will arrive any day at you happy house. And will be a delight." Louise Caroline, whose level of instruction is more or less equal of Lula's mother at her birth, compensates this handicap with a truculent surplus. She is the ideal college student created by PT's education.

I do not want "to 'alvorar' myself" (presidentially speaking) as a prophet, but I think that Louise, Little Lula and Lurian are the future of this country. Or better: dêfte paíf. (Lula's way to speak "this country")




In time: The Chilean MIR is one of the signataries of the manifesto emitted for the "Congreso Bolivariano of los Pueblos", in day 3 of October, in favor of Lula's candidacy. The gratitude is the mother of all the virtues."


Friday, October 27, 2006

Lula´s second term started: anti-abortion protestants arrested

It seemed that Lula´s second term has already started.
According to the blog Sou conservador sim, e daí?:
"Jovens são presos em BH por distribuirem folhetos ligando Lula ao aborto "
"Young people were arrested in Belo Horizonte city because distributed anti-abortion / anti-Lula folders".

Lula did not want to people to know his free-abortion plans to Brazil in his second term.

He is using the electoral law to shut the mouth of the people.

It seems to have hard times ahead...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Olavo de Carvalho al Grupo Folha : ¡No encubran la verdad sobre Lula!

FUERZA Solidaria

(26 de octubre de 2006)

1. Olavo de Carvalho al Grupo Folha: ¡No encubran la verdad sobre Lula!

Caracas, 25 de octubre (Tips Revolucionarios).- El reconocido filósofo brasileño Olavo de Carvalho ( www.olavodecarvalho.org) escribió una carta abierta al heredero del grupo editorial Folha, Otavio Frias Filho, donde le reclama ocultar sistemáticamente los vínculos de Luis Ignacio da Silva "Lula" con la organización criminal Foro de Sao Paulo.
    Según Olavo, este ocultamiento deliberado se hizo aún más incomprensible después de que Lula, siendo Presidente de Brasil, pronunciara un discurso el 2 de julio de 2005, con motivo del quinceavo aniversario del Foro de Sao Paulo (FSP)( http://www.info.planalto.gov.br/download/discursos/pr812a.doc), en donde alaba a esa organización.
    "No hay ninguna razón decente -explica Olavo- para que su periódico siga ocultando sistemáticamente los hechos...  El Foro de São Paulo y sus crímenes fueron meticulosamente omitidos a lo largo de muchos años y siguen omitiéndose en un momento en que eso significa inducir a los electores a confirmar en la presidencia de la República un hombre cuya verdadera historia ignoran por completo. Usted, como muchos otros empresarios de los medios de comunicación, está apostando su periódico, su carrera, su reputación y su fortuna contra una verdad muy bien confirmada. Algún día esa verdad será fatalmente revelada a los ojos de todos, probando la cobardía y la desonestidad de aquellos que escurrieron la obligación de mostrarla a tiempo".

(link: http://www.midiasemmascara.com.br/artigo.php?sid=5321&language=pt )

The PT-PSDB agreement decides the victory against Brazil

According to web-journalist Jorge Ferrão, owner of the website called " http://alertatotal.blogspot.com/". Geraldo Alckim´s flopped second turn election campaign against Lula was staged to guarantee PT´s victory.

"In this campaign Geraldo Alckmin, a catholic man  (that some say to be member of Opus Dei),  was instructed by the PSDB leaders not to mention sensitive matters to PT´s candidate such as abortion (PT is intended to submit a new law ensuring the "right" to abort) , the mineral resources law, decrimination of drugs (on the run right now in Brazil) , gay marriage, gun ban and the poor Brazilian Armed Forces budget. The silence of Geraldo on these issues during the campaign debates prove that PT and PSDB had an agreement. In the next debate - at Globo Network - the same lil´ play will be acted again".

According to Serrão, "a global power entity "Centro Tricontinental" (headquartes in Belgium)
, that represents the european economic monarchy, invests on Lula in Brazil and the candidates belonging to the Sao Paulo Forum to rule the countries of Latin America."

In the name of a division of globalised business, this obscured group had sealed the deal with Interamerican Dialogue (that Fernando Henrique is a member and Lula is admited) to garantee that PT´s government
have continuity and would not be "toppled" or "impeded"  by the  opposition represented by PSDB. The other group  connected to European interests is the  CFR (Council of Foreign Relations - USA), that makes the link between "Tricontinental" and the Sao Paulo Forum (founded by Castro and PT in 1990 joining 153 leftist parties and guerrilla armies)".

Read the whole story below. Sorry but is portuguese...

My thoughts: in 2002 the opposition candidate, Jose Serra, knew all the facts on Sao Paulo Forum and Lula to make a severe damage to PT´s campaign. He did not say a word on these subjects. He helped Lula to be elected, undoubtfully!!

It is explained as the scissors´s  strategy: one party represents the left, the other, the right (a staged right, made by a lesser leftist party - but with the same global interests in common) . One cut on one side, the other on the other side. And they cut all in the middle...
It´s a matter to our friend Perilous Times and his blog Once Upon a Time in the West..

Edição de Quinta-feira do Alerta Total http://alertatotal.blogspot.com/

Ouça também o Alerta Total no seu computador.
Edição em áudio a partir de Meio-dia.

Adicione nosso blog e podcast a seus favoritos do Internet Explorer.

Por Jorge Serrão

A eleição presidencial brasileira não será decidida pelos 125 milhões 913 mil 479 eleitores aptos a comparecer às urnas no domingo. O resultado do pleito já foi resolvido, em acordos secretos, nos bastidores dos centros de poder mundial, por grupos que governam o mundo de verdade. O Centro Tricontinental (sediado na Bélgica), que representa a nobreza econômica européia, investe na reeleição de Lula, no Brasil, e aposta em candidatos ligados ao Foro de São Paulo, para governar os países da América Latina.

Em nome da divisão dos negócios globalizados, este pouco conhecido grupo fechou um acordo com o Diálogo Interamericano (do qual o tucano FHC é membro, e onde Lula da Silva é aceito) para que o governo do PT tenha continuidade - e não seja "derrubado" ou "impedido" por sua pretensa oposição tucana. Outro grupo de poder ligado aos europeus, o CFR (Council on Foreign Relations dos EUA), faz a interface com o Foro de São Paulo (organismo fundado pelo PT, em 1990, que congrega as esquerdas do continente e mais 153 organizações narcoguerrilheiras na América Latina).

Quem cometer a ingenuidade de pensar que tal acordo seria uma "teoria da conspiração" deveria dar uma olhada em provas objetivas dos fatos. No distante 1º de junho deste ano, o Alerta Total denunciou a armação dos tucanos e petistas para a sucessão presidencial. No dia 18 de maio, em Nova York, depois de um prato de talharim e um cafezinho, os tucanos digeriram um acordo político-econômico de não-agressão entre o PSDB e o PT, caso se confirmasse a vitória reeleitoral do presidente Lula. Na estratégia tucana, Geraldo Alckmin entrou na disputa para perder. Sua chegada ao segundo turno foi um acidente eleitoral.

Os controladores do poder mundial apostam, agora, na continuidade do governo petista. Basta que Lula siga seu programa, dando seqüência ao subfaturamento na exportação de minérios, à concessão para a gestão de florestas (principalmente a pobre Amazônia) e à adoção de uma política de controle da natalidade (via privatização do futuro negócio do aborto descriminalizado, para a venda de placenta para a indústria das células tronco). Nesta campanha eleitoral, o católico Geraldo Alckmin (que uns juram ser membro da prelazia papal Opus Dei) foi proibido pela cúpula tucana de tocar na questão do aborto, na questão mineral, na descriminalização das drogas, na união civil e religiosa de homossexuais, desarmamento da população e não tocar no tema Forças Armadas brasileira (em 153º lugar em termos de orçamento em relação ao PIB, se comparadas aos demais exércitos do resto do mundo. O silêncio de Alckmin nos debates sobre todos estes temas essenciais comprova tal acordo entre PT e PSDB. No debate da Rede Globo, marcado para amanhã à noite, o mesmo teatrinho eleitoral vai se repetir.

Também faz parte do pacote dos controladores para a continuidade de Lula o processo de sucateamento das Forças Armadas e a criação de uma Guarda Nacional, uma Guarda Costeira e uma Guarda Aeroportuária para substituir, gradativamente, o Exército, a Marinha e a Aeronáutica – que estariam operando com valores de soberania que não interessam ao modelo da globalização. Militares atuais poderão optar pela transferência para as novas forças, ganhando salários quase duas vezes maior. Pelo projeto dos controladores, teríamos milicos de segunda classe, porém bem remunerados como funcionários públicos fardados.

Em 2010, o candidato dos controladores é Aécio Neves. O governador mineiro reeleito (e que já saiu publicamente em defesa da "governabilidade" no próximo governo Lula), foi lançado à presidência, em Londres, no dia 17 de junho de 2004, durante um jantar com a nobreza econômica européia, do Centro Tricontinental e do Clube dos Bildelberg, no castelo dos banqueiros Rothschild. Em seu projeto de manter o PT no poder por mais tempo, em seu segundo mandato, Lula tem tudo para sofrer nas mãos dos controladores, agora "aliados", mas que lhe farão oposição, a partir do segundo ano do próximo governo, mesmo que faça todo o dever de casa direitinho.

Por trás do pacto não-escrito, firmado entre petistas e tucanos, o próximo governo petista se comprometeria a não alterar as atuais bases econômicas que interessam ao sistema financeiro internacional – e ao nacional. Dirigentes do Banco Itaú presenciaram o encontro secreto entre o tucano e o petista na "Big Apple" - a mais cosmopolita cidade do planeta. Existem fotos do encontro deles para comprovar tal fato. Tal pacto político-empresarial de intenções foi selado entre o ex-presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso e o senador Aloízio Mercadante, nos Estados Unidos. O tratado político informal foi sacramentado pelo senador Tasso Jereissati e pelo governador de Minas Gerais, Aécio Neves. Mas o acordo foi desenhado pelo Centro Tricontinental e pelo Diálogo Interamericano. Os políticos brasileiros apenas obedecem aos "parceiros" dos quais são dependentes.

A contrapartida ao esquema de não-agressão dos tucanos no segundo governo Lula viria com o apoio do governo federal a um mega-projeto de concessões e parcerias público-privadas em rodovias, que movimentaria R$ 30 bilhões. Tal negócio foi montado pelo publicitário Paulo Henrique Cardoso, filho de FHC, que fechou uma parceria com um poderoso grupo de empreiteiros canadenses. Em troca das "privatizações" nas estradas, os tucanos apoiariam a reforma da previdência que será tocada por Luiz Gushiken, e que vem sendo elaborada desde o primeiro governo FHC. Em 2002, a empresa do petista (na época, Gushiken Associados, e, agora, sem o japonês de Lula na sociedade, se chama Global Previ) elaborou, para o Ministério da Previdência de FHC, o livro "Regime Próprio de Previdência dos Servidores: Como Implementar? Uma Visão Prática e Teórica".

Os dois partidos, na questão previdenciária, defendem um modelo que favorece o grande capital. O modelo previsto utilizaria os bilhões da máquina arrecadadora da Previdência Social e os outros bilhões dos Fundos de Pensão de Estatais. Tudo montado por sindicalistas ligados à "Articulação Bancária" e que atualmente ocupam alto escalão do governo Lula, como Gushiken e Sérgio Rosa (presidente do Previ, Fundo de Pensão dos funcionários do Banco do Brasil). Todos têm o aval tecnocrático dos petistas e da equipe que serviu aos oito anos de FHC no governo.

Patrocinados pelos banqueiros, que querem cuidar do lucrativo caixa da Previdência, eles fabricam manobras técnicas que criam a impressão de que a previdência é "deficitária", quando não é. Os gestores tucanos e os petistas que o sucederam trabalham para provar que o governo não tem competência para gerenciar a Previdência, cujos gastos globais representam 8% do Produto Interno Bruto. Os dois lados patrocinam e defendem a "incompetência do Estado", por eles induzida e fabricada artificialmente, como falsa evidência de que o governo não consegue inibir os sonegadores e nem cobrar o que devem os maiores devedores da Previdência. O Tribunal de Contas da União calcula que a sonegação anualmente atinge 30% da presumível arrecadação previdenciária. Bate na casa de R$ 30 bilhões que deixam de ser arrecadados.

Para resolver tal problema, tucanos e petistas têm a fórmula mágica. Entregar o sistema para a gestão dos bancos, "mais competentes", e que também vão cuidar da nova modelagem dos Fundos de Pensão de Estatais que o governo atual não pode promover, em função da falta de condições políticas geradas pelos escândalos do mensalão. Petistas e tucanos defendem uma continuidade do regime de repartição (em que o trabalhador ativo paga a aposentadoria do inativo), que prevalece hoje.

Mas os grandes bancos estão de olho no sistema de capitalização (em que cada assalariado paga por sua própria aposentadoria no futuro). Apenas a transição do sistema atual para o novo modelo movimentaria o equivalente a três PIBs: R$ 3 trilhões e 300 bilhões de reais – segundo cálculos do Ipea (Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas Aplicadas do Ministério do Planejamento). O ministério da Previdência estima uma movimentação um pouco menor, porém expressiva: R$ 2 trilhões e 750 bilhões de reais.Os banqueiros querem gerenciar o processo e lucrar cada vez mais. Mas quem vai pagar a conta é o cidadão que é vítima da atual derrama tributária, que nos obriga a trabalhar 145 dias do ano só para pagar impostos.

Especialistas temem que a transição do modelo de "Repartição" para o de "Capitalização" inviabilize as contas públicas do País, com a emissão gigantesca de novos títulos e a expansão da dívida pública decorrente deste processo. Os bancos – e seus ex-funcionários sindicalistas – vão sair ganhando na operação. E isso é o que importa para eles. E PT saudações, no segundo mandato, com o apoio de alguns tucanos de rapina, na sociedade para fazer mais fortuna e poder aparente.

Bastidores do acordo tucano-petista

O triunvirato tucano e o senador petista Mercadante (que concorreu, para perder, ao governo de São Paulo) estiveram em Nova York, no dia 18, para participar da homenagem da Câmara de Comércio Brasil-Estados Unidos ao presidente da Vale do Rio Doce, Roger Agneli.

O acordo de negócios políticos foi sacramentado no luxuosíssimo Hotel Waldorf Astoria, onde ocorreu a mega-festa.

O candidato tucano ao governo de São Paulo, José Serra - que também estava nos Estados Unidos (só que em tratamento médico) - não participou dessa negociação com Mercadante, seu adversário (combinado para perder) na corrida ao Palácio dos Bandeirantes. No entanto, certamente, Serra tomou conhecimento de tudo.

O mesmo aconteceu com o ex-ministro da Educação de FHC, Paulo Renato, outro que estava em Nova York.

Versões para estar em na Big Apple

Todos os envolvidos na estória têm explicações oficiais para sua estada em Nova York.FHC e Tasso estavam lá para a homenagem a Agneli, da Vale.

O governador mineiro estava lá para assinar contratos para empréstimos de US$ 330 milhões junto ao Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID) e Banco Mundial.

O senador Mercadante porque participou de em evento do Banco Itaú, ao qual esteve presente também FHC.

Ambos podem ser vistos em uma foto oficial na qual aparecem ao lado de Roberto Nishikawa, Alfredo Setúbal, Olavo Setúbal, Roberto Setúbal, Alexandre Tombini e Candido Bracher.

Lema dos controladores

A família dos banqueiros Rothschild, que cumprem o papel de controladores dos negócios da nobreza econômica européia (e que tem um projeto de exercer a hegemonia sobre os Estados Unidos) tem um lema que define bem sua atuação junto aos governos dos países do Terceiro Mundo:

"Let me issue and control a nation's money, and I care not who writes its laws".

("Deixe-me emitir e controlar o dinheiro de uma nação, e eu não me importarei com quem escreve suas leis").

Contando com a invasão no C...

Confiante na reeleição de Lula, o MST rompeu ontem a trégua eleitoral.

Os radicais invadiram três fazendas no Pontal do Paranapanema (SP).

A previsão, que o líder do MST José Rainha anunciara, ainda no período eleitoral, era de que a trégua acabaria no domingo.

Mas como seu aliado Lula já ganhou a eleição previamente, o MST avaliou que poderia invadir as terras antes, que não prejudicaria o candidato.

Jogo de cena tucano-petista

Com discursos agressivos, os candidatos à presidência Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) e Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB) fizeram ontem os últimos comícios de campanha, ambos em São Paulo.

Mas foi tudo jogo de cena, para inglês ver, literalmente.

No Vale do Anhangabaú, ao lado de seu "aliado" (entre aspas) José Serra, Alckmin chamou o adversário de mentiroso, por se dizer contrário às oligarquias, mas ter apoio de velhos coronéis da política, como José Sarney:

"Vamos varrer a corrupção e a praga da roubalheira. O PT e o governo viraram um Código Penal ambulante".

Sobre a desvantagem nas pesquisas, o tucano garantiu ter levantamentos mostrando que ela não passa de um dígito e que vai tirá-la até domingo.

Humildade falsificada

Em um reduto petista, no largo do socorro, na Zona Sul de São Paulo, Lula criticou o PSDB, lembrando que "no tempo deles" o FMI mandava no país e que agora não dá mais palpite – como se isso fosse verdade, pois Lula obedece ao banqueiro controlador inglês, tanto que antecipou o pagamento da dívida externa.

Ao lado da primeira-dama Marisa Letícia, Lula até se fingiu de humilde candidato:

"Humildemente, reconheço que erramos. Mas o país melhorou. Fizemos muito mais do que nos oito anos deles ".

Farra de gastos eleitoreiros

Os dois candidatos à Presidência apresentaram ao Tribunal Superior Eleitoral um pedido de revisão da previsão de gastos da campanha.

O total foi estimado em R$ 210 milhões, 110% a mais que a quantia consumida em 2002, em valores já corrigidos pela inflação.

Na prestação de contas referente a 2002, o total declarado por Lula e Serra ficou em R$ 73 milhões, praticamente um terço do teto de R$ 210 milhões estimado pelo PT e PSDB para este ano.

Quanto pretendem gastar?

O presidente Lula vai gastar até R$ 115 milhões; Geraldo Alckmin, R$ 95 milhões.

O presidente do TSE, Marco Aurélio de Mello, admitiu que "há um descompasso a ser esclarecido" porque esperava-se redução de gastos.

Caso os dois candidatos utilizem todo esse dinheiro, este será o embate presidencial mais caro de que se tem notícia no País.

O curioso é que os mais ingênuos esperavam um gasto eleitoral bem menor, principalmente depois das supostas medidas para reduzir a influência do poder econômico nas eleições, como a proibição de outdoors dos candidatos, de showmícios e da distribuição de brindes a eleitores.

Teve gente até que acreditou em Papai Noel, supondo que o caixa dois eleitoral iria diminuir...

Efeito privatização

A associação do PSDB e do candidato Geraldo Alckmin às privatizações, feita pelos petistas, explica em parte o crescimento da candidatura do presidente Lula na campanha do segundo turno.

Uma pesquisa Ipesp/Valor mostrou que a venda de Caixa Econômica Federal, Banco do Brasil e Petrobras é repudiada por 70% dos eleitores.

Só 18% aprovaram a venda dessas estatais, percentual que se repete mesmo entre os eleitores de Alckmin.

FHC reprovadíssimo

A avaliação das privatizações realizadas no passado, concentradas no governo Fernando Henrique, é ruim: 45% dizem que foram mais negativas e 33%, mais positivas para o Brasil.

Os eleitores de Alckmin também não se colocam de forma clara em defesa das privatizações já feitas: 37% as classificam como negativas e 36% como positivas.

O uso extensivo do dossiê pela campanha de Alckmin teve pouco efeito.

Os eleitores não diferenciam os dois candidatos no quesito honestidade: cada um consegue 36% de identificação com essa qualidade.

O Alerta Total alerta

O Editor-Chefe deste blog está de saco cheio de receber críticas de petistas alegando que somos um "blog tucano", que defende o PSDB.

E estamos também de saco cheio de receber críticas dos tucanos sugerindo que somos um blog que age em favor da extrema direita.

O Alerta Total será crítico de quem não defende a Soberania do Brasil, nossa Autodeterminação como Nação e a Paz Social - que são nossos objetivos nacionais permanentes.

Nosso lema é " Brasil, Acima de Tudo".

Nossa linha editorial é patriótica.

Quem estiver contra o Brasil – em vez de nos mandar e-mails anônimos, com ameaças idiotas, palavrões e críticas sem fundamento objetivo – deveria repensar sua postura como brasileiro.

Quem estiver contra a defesa do Brasil está a favor do governo do crime organizado, que é a associação, para fins delitivos, entre criminosos de toda espécie, a classe política e o poder de estado, para assaltar as riquezas da nossa Nação.

A linha editorial de nosso blog defende a Democracia, cujo conceito é:

Democracia é a Segurança do Direito.

Todo o resto a nosso respeito é conversa fiada. E PT saudações (sem trocadilho infame).

Mão alternativa

Sugestão de um famoso apresentador de tevê, leitor do Alerta Total, criticando a decisão do TSE de impedir qualquer propaganda da mãozinha de quatro dedos, com o sinal de proibido, contra o presidente Lula:

"É proibido atacar a deficiência física do presidente. Então, vamos atacar a deficiência mental, moral e ética".

O PSDB, em conluio com o PT, não poderá cumprir tal papel... Azar do Alckmin, que foi feito de otário na disputa presidencial.

O retorno de Collor

A Casa Civil da Presidência será obrigada, por lei, a oferecer ao ex-presidente Fernando Collor de Mello dois automóveis com combustível pago pelos contribuintes e oito funcionários com salários próximos a R$ 5 mil.

O senador recém-eleito por Alagoas requisitou os benefícios em ofício encaminhado à Presidência da República.

Collor, que é milionário, não se dá por satisfeito com o mandato ao Senado, que lhe garante apartamento funcional, servidores, carro e dinheiro farto para tocar suas atividades.

Culpa da Justiça

Collor está exigindo seus direitos com base em uma decisão judicial.

A Justiça Federal do Distrito Federal reconheceu, ainda antes das eleições, que Collor tem os mesmos direitos de ex-presidente, apesar de ter sido derrubado pelo Congresso por meio de um processo de impeachment.

Em 1993, a Consultoria-Geral da República admitiu que Collor tinha os mesmos direitos que os demais ex-presidentes.

No entanto, uma ação popular movida por uma pessoa física suspendeu a concessão dos benefícios.

Agora, a Justiça Federal considerou a ação improcedente.

Leia mais informações no Blog Alerta Total