Thursday, May 25, 2006

Cubanology, Anti-Fidel Castro BLOGS

I was honoured to be linked on a new website page called Cubanology - Anti-Fidel Castro BLOGS,
maintained by Jose Reyes.
I write from Brazil and mostly about Brazil, but this is of course a proud anti-Fidel blog. Because it's clear that Latin America's fate (including Brazil) depends on fighting the most influential dictator in the area: Fidel and his comrades from Sao Paulo Forum - Chavez a.k.a "Fidelito" and Lula da Silva.

Your fight is our fight too.

But we in Brazil have a big disvantage: while for Venezuelan and Cuban people the totalitarian face of regime is clear, much of the Brazilians still believe we live in an open society. Because of it, the don't know why Brazil is so poor & violent.

Thanks for linking me, Jose.
I will create a new category for all latin blogs that I have known recently.

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