Monday, October 23, 2006

Brazil elections: From the "Caligari´s Cabinet" ( Privatisation = "bad" / Corruption = "inevitable")

Finantial times explains the weapons of Mr. Lula (and his friends from Sao Paulo Forum) to gain the elections in Brazil: "the privatisation scare"...

Even the opposition candidate, from the party (PSDB) that implemented a very succesful reformation and privatisation plan in the 90´s that afforded anyone to buy a cellular phone for around R$ 1,00, while you have to got in the line for almost ten years to get a line at that period(or pay US$ 5.000,00 to get it on the black market).

It is what Olavo de Carvalho tells us when he said the left has gained the cultural debate, and the right or even what is perceived as "right" feels obligated to follow the new "consensus".

In public mind "privatisation" is a bigger evil than corruption. "Privatising" seems to be a robbery of the "public assets" bigger than to use "public assets" to your - or your party - own good.

Public must be taught that only privatising can exterminate corruption, because the tyrant could not use "public assets" as their own assets.

But this is a very complicated matter to explain to an hypnotized mass. Opposition must have to break the spell before. But they - belonging to the rosy-left - did not want to discredit the saintity from the left...

Mediocrity in the cultural debate, low development and poverty are the fruits from it.

Yesterday I saw a german-classic expressionist film called "Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" that explains many things regarding to the actual revolutionary process in Brazil.

In wikipedia you can read it:

Siegfried Kracauer's From Caligari to Hitler postulates that the film can be read as an allegory for German social attitudes in the period preceding the Second World War.
He argues that the character of Caligari represents a tyrannical figure, to whom the only alternative is social chaos (represented by the fairground).

It feels like the whole country is hipnotyzed by a new, leftist disguised evil called "Dr. Caligari".

But now, read the Finantial Times report. / Americas / Latin America Agenda - October 22: Privatisation is a dirty word
When Mr Alckmin forced the second round against all odds, he seemed to have secured a real chance of winning the presidency. That chance has evaporated quickly and Mr Lula da Silva now has a lead of at least 20 points in opinion polls. How has he done it? By painting the PSDB as a far right party intent on privatising everything in sight.

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