Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Lula's corruption scandal laundrymat is working

The battle of second turn election in Brazil has turned from blue to red.
In the first round, when Lula "peace and love" believed that he will win easily, all were flowers...

But now, the "lose scare" made Lula put his best man (Marco Aurélio Garcia - executive secretary from the infamous terrorist-league called "Foro de Sao Paulo") as his campaign manager and the "terror" begun.

Thousand of militants are spreading old and relived lies about a future Alckmin's government: from privatization to cuts in the social programs. From Alckmin's daughter liasons with a fancy  shop  with  problems with the IRS (the girls was only a  employee of that store!!) to all kind of character assassination schemes available.

And carefully hiding his own crimes.

Here is one of this. Below is a copy from the government page with the total expenses of the presidency.

The highest expense of this year  - from the Republic Presidency secretary - is three million!!!
This is the expense with Lula and his family in the period.
The information of who used the money was blocked, censored from the public with a warning

"Information protected by secrecy in the terms of the law, to garantee the security of the society and the state" - value R$ 3.583.342,64

See below...

Presid�ncia da Republica - Controladoria Geral da Uni�o
Snapshot of http://www.portaldatransparencia.gov.br/Portal.asp?Tipo=1
Informações protegidas por sigilo, nos termos da legislação, para garantia da segurança da sociedade e do Estado. 3.583.342,64

What Lula has bought of such importance to enter a classified label? A North-Korean weapon???

No, is just the prove that he and his family is mocking at our very face...

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sou cubano-americano e moro em garanhuns, pernambuco.. fique sabendo de seu blog via babalublog.. o caso de lula e facil.. o ele e corrupto e safado, sabia de tudo, o ele e otario e idiota, e nao sabia o que tava acontecendo dentro de sua casa..