A seguir vemos o que significa isso: drinks, tapinhas nas costas e brindes trocados entre os chanceleres de Espanha e Cuba. Tudo superviosionado pelo dublê do Castro, seu filho, que não desgrudava de um copo. Ao final a sessão "chá das cinco" com personagens, parecem, saídos de algum jantar dos "ricos e famosos".
Um fake, uma armação para justificar que os amigos Fidel e Zapatero coloquem seus governos e países servindo a essa amizade.
Look this report from Spanish TV on the diplomatic trip from Spain Government to La Habana.
First comes the Spanish chancelor explaining that even "human rights" are to be discussed on this trip. Down the curtains...
After that you see what this trip is all about: Party!
Cuban & Spanish chancelors giving toasts each other amid grins and taps on the shoulders. Castro´s son even appeared as a consolation throphy for those who wanted to see the beast themselves..
And the final scene, "A tea for two" makes me angry.
It looked like anything else, not a diplomatic mission to a country that has thousand of political prisioners. Zapatero and Castro are puting their friendship high above the interests of their countries and even their peoples.
What Mikey really needs to think about is cleaning out his ears.
I'd suggest he use a .45 cal swab.
The reporter made it seem all high and mighty claiming that a new era of relations was beginning between the two but in reality nothing will change. Hopefully, the two Kasstros will soon be history but there will still be much to do after that with regards to de-Commifying Cuba.
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